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    Tectonics of Western North America: What's new?

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Tectonics of Western North America: What's new?

Results 1 - 8 of 8 matches

Adolph Yonkee, Weber State University

Sessions: Tectonics of Western North America:Tectonics of Western North America: What's new?

A Neogene Shortening Budget for the Eastern Alaska Range: Implications for Strain Transfer in the Crust
Trevor Waldien, University of California-Davis

Sessions: Tectonics of Western North America:Tectonics of Western North America: What's new?

What Goes Down Must Come Up: The Structural History of an Exhumed High Grade Block in Jenner, California
Samantha Carruthers, McGill University

Sessions: Tectonics of Western North America:Tectonics of Western North America: What's new?

Late Jurassic to Middle Cretaceous Evolution of the Southern Sevier Fold-Thrust Belt: Timing of the Wheeler Pass and Keystone Thrust Systems, Southern Nevada and California.
Michael Wells, University of Nevada-Las Vegas

Sessions: Tectonics of Western North America:Tectonics of Western North America: What's new?

New perspectives on the construction and extensional collapse of the Nevadaplano: A summary of recent progress
Sean Long, Washington State University- Pullman

Sessions: Tectonics of Western North America:Tectonics of Western North America: What's new?

Re-evaluating fault zone evolution, geometry, and slip rate along the restraining bend of the southern San Andreas Fault Zone
Kimberly Blisniuk, San Jose State University

Sessions: Tectonics of Western North America:Tectonics of Western North America: What's new?

Collecting, Managing, and Sharing Data Using the StraboSpot Digital Data System in the Field and Lab: Examples from the Western U.S.
Alexandra Snell, Texas A & M University

Sessions: Tectonics of Western North America:Tectonics of Western North America: What's new?

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