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Adolph Yonkee, Weber State University
A Neogene Shortening Budget for the Eastern Alaska Range: Implications for Strain Transfer in the Crust
Trevor Waldien, University of California-Davis
What Goes Down Must Come Up: The Structural History of an Exhumed High Grade Block in Jenner, California
Samantha Carruthers, McGill University
Late Jurassic to Middle Cretaceous Evolution of the Southern Sevier Fold-Thrust Belt: Timing of the Wheeler Pass and Keystone Thrust Systems, Southern Nevada and California.
Michael Wells, University of Nevada-Las Vegas
New perspectives on the construction and extensional collapse of the Nevadaplano: A summary of recent progress
Sean Long, Washington State University- Pullman
Re-evaluating fault zone evolution, geometry, and slip rate along the restraining bend of the southern San Andreas Fault Zone
Kimberly Blisniuk, San Jose State University
Collecting, Managing, and Sharing Data Using the StraboSpot Digital Data System in the Field and Lab: Examples from the Western U.S.
Alexandra Snell, Texas A & M University