5th SGTF banner v3

Forum Overview

This Forum will provide an informal and interactive venue for discussing important frontiers, new ideas, and current research in structural geology and tectonics. The Forum will also provide opportunities to discuss effective teaching of structural geology and tectonics, including integrating research with teaching. Funding has been provided by the National Science Foundation.

Format and dates--General Schedule

Technical sessions: The forum will combine an all day field trip, several workshops, and half day plenary sessions devoted to a critical topic addressed with a keynote, several short talks, and poster presentations. We will post a detailed program as the Forum approaches. The main Forum program will be built around abstracts solicited from participants.

Field trips and workshops: Optional workshops and a field trips will take during the workshop. If you wish to participate in the field trip or a workshop, you must pre-register when you register for the Forum.

Arrival and departure: All days of the Forum, including workshop and field trip days, begin at 8:00 am and end at 5:30 pm. Please plan your travel so that you arrive the evening before the first event that you wish to attend and leave after the last event has concluded.

Registration and abstract deadlines

Although the Forum is aimed at professional geologists, we encourage advanced graduate students to attend.

Registration is CLOSED

If you have questions, please contact Ramon Arrowsmith (ramon.arrowsmith@asu.edu).

Travel Information, Logistics and costs

Location and facilities: The Forum will be held at Arizona State University , which is located in Tempe, Arizona. It will be hosted by the School of Earth and Space Exploration.

Travel: Participants or their home institutions must cover lodging plus travel to and from the workshop. The nearest airport is Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX). Information on getting to the hotel and ASU will follow

Lodging: We have reserved a block of rooms at the Graduate Hotel Tempe AND at the Moxy Hotel adjacent to ASU. Lodging will be $115/day + tax for a single or double room. You must make your own reservation unless we indicate otherwise (if we sponsor your lodging).

Getting to and from the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport

Getting from the hotels to the meeting location (ISTB4)
Moxy to ISTB4 Graduate to ISTB4

Registration for the Forum, field trips, and workshops/short courses is free, thanks to funding from NSF. Very limited travel stipends were available to support the attendance of some US participants who have limited/no access to travel funds or who are from underrepresented groups.

Forum contacts

Forum Organizers:

Ramon Arrowsmith (Arizona State University)

Kimberly Blisniuk (San Jose State University)

Questions? Please contact Ramon Arrowsmith or Kimberly Blisniuk

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