5th SGTF banner v3

General schedule

Initial Publication Date: October 9, 2017
Below, you'll find the topical session schedule in chronological order so you may see at a glance what is planned for each day. Unless otherwise specified, everything is in ISTB4. Getting from the hotels to the meeting location (ISTB4): Moxy to ISTB4 Graduate to ISTB4 .
Full descriptions are provided on the Program page.

Thursday, January 4 - Field trip and workshop

Field trip: CURRENTLY FULL Proterozoic Construction of Continental Crust, Extreme Cenozoic Crustal Extension, and Great Mexican Food. (Led by Stephen Reynolds and Julia Johnson, School of Earth and Space Exploration, ASU). Start time 8:00 am. Limit 50. Meet in the Parking Lot on the south side of ISTB4

Workshop: Geometric statistics for geologic data (Josh Davis and Sarah Titus, Carleton College). Start time 9:00 am; ISTB4-296

Evening activity: Poster introductions and Icebreaker -- Graduate Hotel Hayden Ballroom. Start time 5:30 pm. Poster introductions start about 6 pm!

Friday, January 5 - Plenary session 1, field trip, and workshops

Plenary session: Effective teaching structural geology and tectonics (Organizers: Rick Allmendinger--Cornell and Pete Lippert--Utah). Morning session, 8 am to 11:30 am; ISTB4-Marston Exploration Theater (first floor).

Lunch provided and Posters--ISTB4 3rd Floor Crater Carpet

Field trip: Overview of Phoenix Basin (Ramón Arrowsmith, ASU). Limit 22; start time 1 pm.

Workshop: Build your own rock deformation apparatus: Experimental rock deformation (Phil Skemer, Washington University in St. Louis). Limit 10; start time 1 pm; Bateman Physical Sciences H460.

Workshop: Opportunities to share best practices for Teaching Structural Geology and Tectonics labs (Rick Allmendinger--Cornell and Kim Blisniuk--SJSU). Start time 1 pm; ISTB4-240 and 296

Evening activity in ISTB4 3rd floor (6 pm start): Group dinner and after dinner presentation: Future Directions in Structural Geology and Tectonics (Kate Huntington, Washington)

Saturday, January 6 - Plenary session 2 and workshops

Plenary session: Shear zones (Organizers: Daniel Lao Davila--Oklahoma State, Elisabeth Nadin--Alaska, and Sarah Roeske--UC Davis). Morning session, 8 am to 11:30 am; ISTB4-Marston Exploration Theater (first floor)

Lunch provided and Posters--ISTB4 3rd Floor Crater Carpet

Workshop: Structure from Motion: a transformative 3D capability for structural geology and tectonics (Chris Crosby--UNAVCO and Ramon Arrowsmith--ASU). Start time 1 pm; ISTB4-240.

Workshop: Google Earth for On-Site and Distance Education (Steve Whitmeyer, James Madision). Start time 1 pm; ISTB4-296

Evening activity: Early career and student mentoring social round table (6 pm start; location [ link https://pedalhausbrewery.com/ 'Pedal Haus'] in Tempe; Linda Reinen and Alison Severson); others free

Sunday, January 7 - Plenary session 3 and workshops

Plenary session: Tectonics of Western North America: What's new? (Organizers: Amanda Hughes--Arizona and Barbara Carrapa--Arizona). Morning session, 8 am to 11:30 am; ISTB4-Marston Exploration Theater (first floor)

Lunch provided and Posters--ISTB4 3rd Floor Crater Carpet

Workshop: Review and demonstration of available geodetic imaging resources - OpenTopography, NCALM, UNAVCO + teaching curricula developed for GETSI (Phil Resor-Wesleyan; Chris Crosby and Beth Pratt-Situala--UNAVCO). Start time 1 pm; ISTB4-296

Monday and Tuesday, January 8 and 9 - post-Forum field trip

Field trip: Southern San Andreas Fault (Kim Blisniuk, SJSU and Julie Fosdick, UConn). Limit 20; start time 8:00 am. We will drive from Phoenix on Monday morning and return to Phoenix on Tuesday early evening. We can coordinate to get people to Palm Springs airport after 5 pm on Tuesday.