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Shear Zones
13 matchesResults 1 - 10 of 13 matches
Tectonic evolution of the Coyote Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex (AZ)
Raphael Gottardi, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Spatial variation in strain localization along the Cordillera Blanca Shear Zone (CBSZ), Peru
Cameron Hughes, The University of Tennessee
Long-lived Exhumation along the Denali Fault System Preserves Ductile Deformation Formed during Transpression
Sarah Roeske, University of California-Davis
Quantifying Distributed Deformation near Oceanic Transform Faults: Examples from Cyprus and Iceland
Sarah Titus, Carleton College
Mechanics of near-surface fault slip and distributed deformation
Johanna Nevitt, San Diego State University
Exhumation and Displacement along Extensional Detachments in the Colorado River Extensional Corridor
Michael Prior, Colorado State University
Graded Fault Rocks and a Hydrofractured Fault Zone at the Snake Range Detachment, NV: Slip on a Low-Angle Normal Fault at Seismic Velocities
Samuel Haines, Ohio Wesleyan University
Localized Shearing along a Gabbro Intrusion: Evidence for Strain Partitioning in the Lower Crust
Noah Phillips, McGill University
Using Small-scale Structures to Constrain Distributed Deformation near the Húsavík-Flatey Fault, Northern Iceland
Seth Waag-Swift, Carleton College