Kristin O'Connell

Science Education Resource Center (SERC)

Carleton College

I am currently working at SERC as an evaluation and education specialist. In this role, I help to design and implement evaluation of educational projects and conduct research related to the assessment of student learning with the ultimate goal of improving higher education student outcomes and building evaluation capacity. 

Prior to my current role, I worked at Carleton's TRIO/Student Support Services as the Quantitative Skills Coordinator and as an adviser. I collaborated with students, staff, and faculty to develop research-based strategies and programming to help support TRIO students' success at and beyond Carleton. This work incorporated student support as well as institutional change strategies.

In the past, I have been involved with On the Cutting Edge workshops and website design; the Carleton Interdisciplinary Science & Math Initiative (CISMI), including the broadening access cohorts (FOCUS, CSSF, and CSSI) evaluation; Sustainability Improves Student Learning project management; GeoPRISMS project assistance and evaluation, InTeGrate website and assessment manager, inaugural Earth Educators' Rendezvous project manager, and more.

Longer bio and example work 

Workshop Participant, Webinar Participant, Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Teaching Method Module (1)

Engaged Pedagogies part of Pedagogy in Action:Library:Engaged Pedagogies
Karl A. Smith, University of Minnesota & Purdue University Kristin O'Connell, SERC, Carleton College Congratulations on considering Engaged Pedagogies for your students! This module provides insights into ...

Conference Presentations (17)

Four Years of Discovery Improvements for SERC website visitors part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2024:Program:Poster Sessions:Friday Poster Session
The Science Education Resource Center (SERC) hosts materials from more than 120 geoscience education projects. However, the project-focused nature of the SERC website means that information is siloed which presents ...


Workshop Participant (25 workshops)

Webinar Participant