The Carleton Interdisciplinary Science & Math Initiative (CISMI)
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Interdisciplinary and integrated-systems research has taken on increased importance in science in the past decade as scientists tackle complex and socially important multidisciplinary problems such as disease spread and resistance, cloning technologies, and climate change. The need for multidisciplinary perspectives, along with advances in genomics, recombinant DNA, and the digital revolution, has changed how scientists communicate and collaborate -- laying bare the interdependence of biology, the physical sciences, and mathematics.
To promote and expand the inquiry-based study of complex and integrated systems, drawing on the power of disciplinary perspectives. In a liberal arts context, we aim to broaden student perspectives so they can make sound decisions, as scientists and citizens, about complex real-world problems through development of comparative, synthetic, integrative, and creative thinking.
Resources on the CISMI Website
Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning - Interdisciplinary projects in a variety of areas have been supported by CISMI. Learn about projects in fields ranging from Biochemistry to Spatial Analysis and Modeling.
Broadening Access to Science and Math - Carleton faculty and staff have been working together intensively to create integrated programs and curricular experiences that help all students transition from high school learning into the inquiry-based learning of science and math at Carleton.
Undergraduate Research - Learn about the various ways that Carleton students and faculty have been engaged in research together. Also, students and faculty can find information about funding student research.
For Carleton Faculty - Apply for [link 'Curriculum Development Grants'] and see the results of previous grants. Advisers of student summer researchers can also submit their reports and view other faculty reports.
For Carleton Students - Learn how to get started studying science at Carleton, find out what the FOCUS program is about, check out opportunities for Undergraduate Research, and learn about the Summer Science Fellowships.
Events - See listings of upcoming and previous CISMI events such as workshops and meetings.
About CISMI - Learn more about the initiative itself and the HHMI funding that has makes it possible.