Teaching Computation with MATLAB

In order to provide students with the computational skills they need to be successful, the teaching of computation must change to reflect the changing landscape of computation. Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using MATLAB provides resources to help educators incorporate computation into their classrooms and engage with a community of educators interested in improving the teaching of these important skills.
Why teach computation? Explore the teaching materials »
Approaches to Teaching Computation with MATLAB
MATLAB is useful tool for teaching computation because it allows for robust data analysis, data visualization and exploration, modeling, and working with real data sets. If the use of MATLAB is scaffolded in a course or curriculum, it is a tool that can help students develop computational skills and build self-efficacy. When combined with collaborative learning techniques and effective assessments, MATLAB can be an effective and powerful tool for teaching computation.
Computational Skills and Techniques
Strategies for Teaching Computation
Building Self-EfficacyCooperative LearningAssessmentDeveloping Skills Within a Degree CurriculumTeaching Online
Teaching Materials
Discover activities, essays, and course descriptions submitted by educators who teach with MATLAB. Use the search bar or explore the individual collections below.
Activities Collection
MATLAB based activities, laboratory exercises, projects, and other assignments.
Essays Collection
Educator perspectives on how teaching with MATLAB can enhance learning.
Courses Collection
Course descriptions and syllabi for STEM courses on (or that integrate) MATLAB.
Get Involved
In addition to hosting resources developed by educators for educators, Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using MATLAB is a growing community of faculty in STEM fields interesting in improving computation in teaching. Get involved by participating in events or joining the community discussion.