Benefits of Pan-African Approaches to Teaching the Geosciences

Monday 1:30pm-4:00pm Lindley: 314
Afternoon Mini Workshop


John Warford, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University

This workshop is designed to demonstrate the value of, and potential in, using long held, culturally responsive and universally principled teaching methods developed by people throughout the African Diaspora. This session is a continuation of the work and ideas presented at the NAGT/InTeGrate Traveling Workshop, entitled "Pan African Approaches to Teaching Geosciences," held at Morehouse College, May 23rd-25th, 2017.

The goal of this workshop is to fortify teachers, researchers, and their collaborators with additional and supportive methods to achieve their goals relative to Geoscience education and outreach. Best practices will be shared and embraced. PLEASE BRING YOUR LAPTOP.


By the end of this workshop, participants will have:

  • Been introduced to African Worldview concepts and cosmological principles that align with earth systems approaches currently in use.
  • Discussed how these concepts and principles may or may not be in use in the classroom and the results.
  • Considered how these concepts and principles may support current earth systems thinking and approaches in use.
  • Developed action plans that employ some of these concepts and principles in future geoscience courses and activities, or presented ideas toward the development of a rubric that successfully measures use of the concepts & principles presented in the workshop.


Workshop Slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 515kB Jul20 18)

1:30 Welcome and introductions

1:45 - 2:00 A brief context and rationale for the workshop context is presented. Topic related concepts & principles are introduced.

2:15 Small-group discussions of on challenges of, and opportunities in, engaging students culturally.

2:45 Break

2:55 Whole-group discussion of ideas and strategies for interfacing specific examples of systems learning & teaching with our topic concepts and principles.

3:15 Participants work on actions plans or rubric development based on resources provided by workshop and / or their own resources.

3:45 Wrap-up, Reflections, and Workshop Evaluation.

4:00 Adjourn


InTeGrate Teaching Materials:

Carleton College Literature and Resources:

SERC Resources:

"HANDOUTS" the following are some contributions made at the 2017 Pan-African Approaches Workshop you may find valuable: