Measuring Student Success:
Virtual Journal Club on Assessment Methods
February - May, 2012
Tuesdays: February 19, March 19, April 16, May 14
9am -10am Pacific, 10am -11am Mountain, 11am -12pm Central, 12pm -1pm Eastern
The application deadline for the Journal Club has passed.
Understanding what our students are learning is fundamental to good teaching and lies at the heart of grading. From February to May, 2013, the Assessment Methods Journal Club will have virtual meetings once a month to discuss readings related to assessment methods. These readings will be drawn from geoscience, cognitive science, and other science education journals. To facilitate a deep exploration of this topic, we will run the meetings as a series, with participants committing to all four meetings. See the overview page for more information, including meeting dates, times, and fees.
Ellen Iverson, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College
Joshua Caulkins, University of Rhode Island
Bruce Herbert, Texas A&M University
Karen Viskupic, Boise State Univeristy