Advancing the Perception and Adoption of Geosciences in a New Era
Lindley: 123
Afternoon Mini Workshop

This "shopwork" is designed to generate creative thinking and innovative strategies for increasing exposure to Geoscience opportunities. A rebuilding of the public appreciation for Geoscience is possible starting with a fresh look at course objectives, instructors stories, and "Strengths of the Module" section in SERC InTegrate courses and modules. Successful approaches prioritize diversity, inclusion and more effective promotion of the Geosciences.
By the end of this workshop, participants will learn about:
- Community Engagement – Putting Geosciences to Work
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) – What does this mean in the classroom and beyond?
- Modules that incorporate and imbed societal issues.
- What difference can/does attention to DEI make for student outcomes.
1:30 Welcome and introductions
1:45 Case Study—Applied Geoscience a Community Perspective
2:00 Small Group work identifying modules that would prepare students to tackle problem presented in case study.
2:45 Break
2:55 Environmental Justice as a Geoscience Goal?
3:15 Whole-group discussion of Geosciences Diversity, Equity & Inclusion within the context of Environmental Justice.
3:45 Wrap-up
4:00 Adjourn