Google Slides Pre-meeting Notes Modules in Progress Participant Implementation Plans TMYN-Intro Project

Workshop Venue
2024 TMYN-Majors
Workshop groundtransport instructions and maps (Acrobat (PDF) 434kB May10 24)
2024 TMYN-Majors Workshop hotel vicinity map (Acrobat (PDF) 5.8MB May9 24)
Wingate by Wyndham Greenwood Village/Denver Tech
8000 East Peakview Avenue, Greenwood Village, CO
- Primary classroom - Keystone meeting room (ground floor)
- Lunches - served in the hallway outside the meeting room; participants may eat in the classroom, breakfast area, or outside
- Breakout areas - back of classroom, lobby, breakfast area, etc.
Sunday, June 2
The meeting begins at 4:00 pm in the Keystone Meeting Room.
Afternoon goal: Get to know each other more, exchange math ideas, and more module framing
- 4:00 pm - Welcome; Goals & Agenda of the workshop; EarthScope code of conduct
- Introductions and Icebreaker
- 4:40 pm - Sharing ideas of example problems from a variety of sub-disciplines
- Gallery Tour (posters for each module; post-it notes with example problems)
- 5:30 pm - Module pairs reflect on gallery walk input and further discuss module scope and components
- 6:00-6:15 pm - Wrap-up, plan for tomorrow
- 6:30 pm - Meet in lobby to walk over to Dinner at Pindustry (~2 blocks)
Monday, June 3
Breakfast available in Wingate breakfast area starting 6:30 am.
Morning goal: Initiate module student landing pages
- 8:00 am - Overview of the day, helpful resources, and module rubric
- Using Serckit - text editing, adding links, uploading files, inserting images, math formula, data & tables
- Accessibility Guidelines
- Copyright - guidance from GETSI Project on finding allowable images (Note: you do not need to spend a lot of time looking for copyright-ok images, if you find something close, our student intern can redraft an image or find a better one for you)
- Brief intro to module rubric
- 8:45 am - Work in module teams on designing student landing page
- 10:00 am - Break
- 10:15 am - Continue work in module teams on designing student landing page
- Start after the break by considering other TMYN modules and where there might be boundary considerations with other modules
- Logarithms and Log/Semi-log Plots
- Probability and Calculating Uncertainty
- Each four-some meet for a little while at the back of the room to discuss boundaries
- Start after the break by considering other TMYN modules and where there might be boundary considerations with other modules
- 11:30 am - Report out: How is your module going so far? (successes and challenges)
- 12:00 pm - Lunch
Afternoon goal: Initiate module instructor page
- 1:00 pm - Writing modules for all students
- Accessibility Guidelines
- Color Oracle app (or similar) can help you quickly identify issues for someone with color blindness
- Use headings (in Styles)
- Use alt-text for images (we will also check for this during editing)
- Implicit bias - consider whether your questions are coming from a context that most students would understand
- Accessibility Guidelines
- 1:10 pm - Introduction: Why does the instructor page look the way it does?
- Work in module teams on drafting the instructor page (esp. learning outcomes)
- Maybe find a couple SERC/NAGT activities that apply the quantitative skill - Quantitative Activities search page (don't take a ton of time for this now)
- 3:00 pm - Break
- 3:15 pm - Work in module teams on student landing page and/or instructor page as it makes sense for your team. Pull in leaders with questions at any time.
- 4:15-4:30 pm - Wrap up and Roadcheck
- 4:40 pm - Shuttle to a local park with hiking and landscape views - team-building and discussion of quantitative geoscience aspects seen in the landscape
- 6:30 pm - Shuttle pickup and transport to the restaurant
- 7:00 pm - Dinner at The View House
Tuesday, June 4
Breakfast available in Wingate breakfast area starting 6:30 am.
Morning goal: Continue module development and introduction to WAMAP
- 8:00 am - Overview of the day; roadcheck report
- 8:10 am - Brief introduction to WAMAP and student quizzes (more on Wednesday)
- 8:25 am - Continued module development (particularly focused on rubric and preparing for afternoon rubric peer review)
- Read rubric and apply it to your own module - what aspects are most in need of adjustment?
TAKE NOTES - don't make changes yet (focus on getting through the thinking part) - Skip rubric elements - 10-12, 14 (not relevant yet)
- Give info to leaders on what other modules you will mostly likely use (besides your own).
- Read rubric and apply it to your own module - what aspects are most in need of adjustment?
- 9:10 am - Discussion of technology use (calculators, Excel/Sheets)
- 9:20 am - Module teams solicit input and whole-group provides feedback
- Each module team has 3 minutes to present challenges
- Each person can provide feedback on discussion threads at the bottom of each module's scratch page
- 10:00 am - Break
- 10:15 am - Consultations with workshop leaders and work on revisions
- 12:00 pm - Lunch
Afternoon goal: Develop student practice problems and review another module
- 1:00 pm - Practice problems introduction
- 1:10 pm - Teams work on practice problems and revisions
- One person works on first practice problem and one works on revision suggestions from the morning
- BE SURE to consider alignment between Example problem (landing page), practice problems, and quiz problems (WAMAP)
- 2:20 pm - Read and review one other module -- use the comments and track changes features in Serckit
- 3:00 pm - Break
- 3:15 pm - Make revisions from reviews, finish one practice problem, discuss other practice problem topics (connect with colleagues who can help with questions from outside your sub-discipline)
- 4:45-5:00 pm - Paperwork, Wrap up, and Roadcheck
Dinner - on your own or self-organized groups
- Optional: 6:30 pm - Meet for dinner at Cherry Creek Food Hall & Brewery (just south of the hotel) to hang out with colleagues and discuss -- increasing quantitative skill use in courses/programs
Wednesday, June 5
Breakfast available in Wingate breakfast area starting 6:30 am.
Morning goal: Develop plans for teaching implementation; using WAMAP for assessment
- 8:00 am - Overview of the day, roadcheck report
- 8:15 am - Develop individual teaching implementation plans
- Course, timing, potential activities
- Consider how you will handle math anxiety, motivating students, and using "distributed" practice
- 9:00 am - Small-group discussions on implementation plans (not in module teams)
- 9:45 am - Report out on implementation plans (each small group mentions 2 takeaways)
- 10:00 am - Break
- 10:15 am - Refine individual teaching implementation plans
- 10:45 am - Using
- 11:30 am - Individual or team work on WAMAP quiz questions
- 12:00 pm - Lunch
Afternoon goal: Continue module development and peer review
- 1:00 pm - Instructor resources, continue working on modules (whatever your group feels is most important)
- Group photo
- 3:00 pm - Break
- 3:15 pm -
- Focus on alignment between example problems, practice problems, and WAMAP questions
- 4:00 pm - Address review and continue working on modules (whatever your group feels is most important)
- Leaders will give additional feedback to each team first thing Thursday
- 4:40 pm - Departure logistics; getting reimbursed
- 4:50 pm - Wrap up
Dinner - on your own or self-organized groups
Thursday, June 6
Breakfast available in Wingate breakfast area starting 6:30 am.
If you are leaving on the noon bus, check out before the sessions starts at 8:00 am.
Morning goal: Finalize action plans for remaining module development work and teaching implementation
- 8:00 am - Questions about the day
- 8:05 am - Make Team Action Plans and then work on the most needed aspects of modules
- Action Plans are on each module's Scratch page
- Leaders will circulate between teams to give additional feedback
- (11:00 Packed lunches available)
- 10:30 am - Whole group discussion
- 11:15 am - Workshop evaluation survey
- 11:40 am - People leaving on the 12:02 pm bus depart in the hotel shuttle