Workshop participants and some of their expertise.
- Eric Baer (PI), Highline College - SERCKIT, quantitative skill development, volcanology, WaMAP
- Rory McFadden (PI), Science Education Resource Center - SERCKIT, SERC collection, quantitative skills development, structure/tectonics, WaMAP
- Beth Pratt-Sitaula (PI), EarthScope Consortium - SERCKIT, SERC collection, geomorphology, geodesy/geophysics, teaching with data
- Michael Coe (evaluator), Cedar Lake Research Group - statistics, educational research evaluation
Author Attendees
- Graham Baird, University of Northern Colorado - Petrology, tectonics, igneous and metamorphic petrology, statistical analysis in Earth science
- Susan Bilek, New Mexico Tech - Seismology, environmental seismology, induced seismology, Earth science math review
- Kelly Deuerling, University of Nebraska Omaha - Aquatic and non-aquatic geochemistry, mineralogy, WAMAP, SERCKIT
- Dori Farthing, SUNY Geneseo - Mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, Intro TMYN
- Kyle Fredrick, Pennsylvania Western University, California - hydrogeology, groundwater, quantitative skills course, streams, SERCKIT
- Yongli Gao, University of Texas at San Antonio - Hydrogeology, geochemistry, climate science
- Lisa Gilbert, Cabrillo College - Sea floor geophysics, geoscience education, SERCKIT
- Mickey MacKie, University of Florida - Geophysical glaciology, machine learning, probability
- Alex Manda, East Carolina University - Groundwater, water resources, climate change
- Laura Reynolds, Worcester State University - Sedimentology, SERCKIT
- Kristin Schild, University of Maine - Glaciology, field geology and remote sensing
- Alex Tye, Utah Tech University - Structural geology, tectonics, geochronology, statistics