Participant Checklist

In order to help you get the most out of The Math Your Earth Science Majors Need module development workshop, we ask that you do several things in advance. Here is a list of the preparatory activities and their deadlines.

Prior to the workshop:

Pre-workshop Meetings

Please plan to attend these meetings. The workshop will build on ideas covered at the meetings, so we require that all participants attend the meetings prior to the workshop.

Pre-Workshop Meeting #1

Pre-Workshop Meeting #2

  • May 1 -- 4:30 pm ET - Yongli, Kyle, Lisa, Graham
    May 10 -- 2:00 pm ET - Dori, Sue, AlexT, AlexM, Kelly, Mickey, Laura, Kristin
  • Presentation slides from Meeting #2 (Opens in new window)

Pre-workshop Meeting #3

Other Pre-workshop Tasks

By Friday April 19 April 26

By workshop start (Sunday June 2)

We anticipate this will take ~2 hours. Thanks!

  1. Prep for your module (the start of this is being done in the pre-workshop author meetings)
    1. Example problems you want your students to be able to answer
    2. Initial ideas about scope and where the limits may be
    3. Identify any thoughts or concerns about format needs or technology use in your module.
    4. Take a little time to think about existing TMYN modules that may be "adjacent" to yours in content
      1. TMYN-Majors modules
      2. TMYN-Intro modules
    5. Spend a little time searching Quantitative Activities for Earth Science Disciplines Browse or other online resource collections for activities/labs that would apply the math skills from your module to a larger Earth or environmental topic. These will NOT be part of your module, but can inform how you "aim" your module. Most of these activities do not actually walk students through the math skills steps the way your modules will. Your modules will make teaching these more in-depth activities easier. Collections which higher use of quantitative skills include:
      1. Teaching Quantitative Skills
      2. Project EDDIE: Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry & Exploration
      3. GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI)
  2. Prep for other modules
    1. Bring at least a couple example problems relevant to other module topics from your sub-discipline
  3. Start working with Serckit (content management system)
    1. Watch the video on the Editing Single Page in Serckit. Practice a few of the skills mentioned.
    2. In your blank module (LINKS TO DRAFT MODULES)
      1. Adjust the title (if you don't like the draft one) and/or change some headings to be about your module topic (instead of XXX)
      2. Add your name and institution to the Instructor page
      3. Practice adding a link or an image
  4. General preparation related to promoting effective math skills development
    1. Reducing inequity - The Math You Need, When You Need It (TMYN): Leveling the Playing Field
    2. Managing student math anxiety, self-efficacy, and interest:
      1. Relationships and Gender Differences in Math Anxiety, Math Self-Efficacy, Geoscience Self-Efficacy, and Geoscience Interest in Introductory Geoscience Students
      2. DRAFT Math Anxiety and Learning: What thoughts and emotions do you have when using math?

After the workshop:

  • By June 14 - Submit travel reimbursement form and other paperwork
  • By Friday, June 28
    • Fully complete module web pages
    • Complete quiz questions for uploading to WAMAP
    • Start the IRB process, IF your institution may not accept the Highline College project-wide responsibility for IRB (Human Subjects application to the Institutional Review Board)
  • After June 28 and before the testing term
    • PIs will review modules, WAMAP questions, and make editorial revisions
    • If there are outstanding issues discovered in the review, module authors may need to make revisions to the module or WAMAP questions

Shortly before the testing term

  • Double-check the IRB progress, if needed, at your institution
  • Check that WAMAP is working in your institution's Learning Management System (Canvas, Blackboard, etc.) IF you want to integrate it into the LMS.
  • Attend the TMYN-Majors pre-implementation meeting

During 2024-25 academic year

  • By 2 weeks into the term you are testing
    • Class roster uploaded
    • Pre-survey taken by students
    • Instructor planning form is completed
  • By end of the term
    • Post-survey taken by students
  • By 1 week after the implementation term ends
    • Feedback questionnaire on:
      • Your teaching experience
      • Recommended adjustments to the module you authored and any others you tested
  • PIs will review feedback on modules from faculty and students
  • Modules will undergo external review by math or statistics specialists

After the 2024-25 academic year

  • PIs will revise the modules based on the expert reviews
  • Modules will be fully published after expert review and revision