The Math You Need, When You Need It
Math Tutorials for Students Majoring in the Earth Sciences

Looking for help with math in your geoscience class? You've come to the right place!
If you've landed here, you have probably been searching for assistance with some mathematical topic related to geoscience. The Math You Need, When You Need It provides a collection of web modules to help students with mathematics in Earth and environmental science classes.
Each module is aimed at a single math topic and is divided into two parts:
- An introduction page explaining why this topic is important and providing an outline of steps needed to solve this type of problem.
- A set of practice problems directly applying the math topic to the Earth sciences, with worked answers.
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What topics can I find here?
The Math You Need, When You Need It focuses on mathematical topics commonly addressed in majors-level geoscience classes. Here you will find modules addressing:
Math Topics
- Exponential equations
- Logarithms
- Log-log plots
- Orders of magnitude
- Scientific notation
- Solving math problems
- Ternary diagrams
- Vectors
Statistics Topics
- Calculating Uncertainty
- Correlation
- Histograms
- Introductory statistics
- Linear regression
- Probability
Introductory modules (link leaves the Majors-oriented site and goes to the Intro site)
Are you an instructor? Find out how you can use these modules in your courses!
Funding Sources
This project is supported by the National Science Foundation, Division of Undergraduate Education through awards: NSF-2234225, 2234247, 2336447.
Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.