Quantitative Activities for Earth Science Disciplines

Results 1 - 10 of 402 matches

Unit 2: Ocean Conditions: Ancient to Modern
MICHELLE KINZEL, Southwestern College; Astrid Schnetzer, North Carolina State University; Cara Thompson, Arizona State University at the West Campus
Students will be provided with seawater pH and carbon dioxide concentration (pCO2) data spanning as far back as 1850. They will describe trends in pH, pCO2 and atmospheric CO2 concentration, outline why these ...

Quantitative Skills: Arithmetic/Computation, Probability and Statistics:Data Trends, Graphs
Subject: Geoscience: Geoscience:Oceanography:Ocean-Climate Interactions, Chemical, Geoscience:Geology:Environmental Geology, Geoscience:Oceanography, Biology:Biogeochemistry:Carbon Cycling, Environmental Science, Global Change and Climate:Climate Change:Impacts of climate change, Biology:Biogeochemistry, Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Climate Change:Impacts of climate change, Environmental Science:Global Change and Climate:Climate Change
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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InTeGrate Developed This material was developed and reviewed through the InTeGrate curricular materials development process.
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Unit 3: Modeling a System
Karl Kreutz, University of Maine; Lisa Gilbert, Cabrillo College; deborah gross, Carleton College
This unit introduces systems modeling, which allows students to quantify and manipulate system components to create system responses. Students use a simple systems model of a bathtub to explore the effect of flow ...

Quantitative Skills: Models and Modeling, Problem Solving:Equations, Algebra, Arithmetic/Computation
Subject: Geoscience: Geoscience, Geology:Environmental Geology, Environmental Science
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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InTeGrate Developed This material was developed and reviewed through the InTeGrate curricular materials development process.
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Unit 4: Feedbacks in a System
Karl Kreutz, University of Maine; Lisa Gilbert, Cabrillo College; deborah gross, Carleton College
Feedbacks are a critical part of many systems. In this unit, students use a systems model to explore the effect of positive (reinforcing) and negative (balancing) feedbacks on system behavior. Model results are ...

Quantitative Skills: Models and Modeling, Graphs
Subject: Geoscience: Geoscience, Geology:Environmental Geology, Environmental Science
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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InTeGrate Developed This material was developed and reviewed through the InTeGrate curricular materials development process.
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Using Autocorrelation and Cross-correlation to Explore Links Between River Discharge and Regional Climate
Peter Adams, University of Florida
Students conduct autocorrelation and cross-correlation analyses on river discharge and climate indices to test the hypothesis that coastal streams draining mountainous terrain are strong indicators of climatic ...

Quantitative Skills: Probability and Statistics
Software: MATLAB
Subject: Geoscience: Geoscience:Geology, Geology:Geomorphology:Climate/Paleoclimate, Landforms/Processes:Fluvial
Grade Level: Graduate/Professional, College Upper (15-16)
MATLAB Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using MATLAB Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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Using Univariate Statistics to Understand Regional Drainage Patterns
Peter Adams, University of Florida
In this activity, students use MATLAB to compare two data sets of organic matter content in order to provide quantitative evidence that tests the null hypothesis that sediment samples have the same fluvial source. ...

Quantitative Skills: Probability and Statistics
Software: MATLAB
Subject: Geoscience: Geoscience:Geology, Geology:Geomorphology:Landforms/Processes:Fluvial, Geoscience:Soils, Geology:Geomorphology:Weathering/Soils:Soils
Grade Level: Graduate/Professional, College Upper (15-16)
On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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GLOBE and My NASA Data Collection, Visualization and Analysis through Concept Mapping
Adriana Perez, El Paso Community College; John Olgin, El Paso Community College
Through the use of GLOBE Observer app, and My NASA data, students will explore the acquisition, visualization and analysis of data. Students will follow the scientific method to better understand the steps in the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data. Students will be exposed to the value of citizen science and the role of science in our lives. Students will learn to identify basic cloud types and features with the My NASA cloud sorting cloud activity and sky watcher cloud chart (background knowledge), utilize the GLOBE Observer app to collect cloud and dust data across different locations and time frames (data acquisition), upload the data to the GLOBE NASA database, and then work with the Earth System Data Explorer to visualize, analyze, and interpret how these different kinds of data are used by scientists to understand the natural world and complex processes and interactions of Earth's spheres (data visualization and analysis). Finally, students will produce a series of cumulative concept maps as they evaluate the steps in the data acquisition, analysis and interpretation process through the GLOBE app, and My NASA site's Earth System Data Explorer.

Quantitative Skills: Spreadsheets, Gathering Data
Software: Microsoft Excel
Subject: Geoscience: Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Meteorology:Clouds and precipitation, Geoscience:Geology, Atmospheric Science
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory, High School (9-12)

Volcano Monitoring with GPS: Westdahl Volcano Alaska
Maite Agopian, EarthScope; Beth Pratt-Sitaula, EarthScope Consortium
Learners use graphs of GPS position data to determine how the shape of Westdahl Volcano, Alaska is changing. If the flanks of a volcano swell or recede, it is a potential indication of magma movement and changing ...

Quantitative Skills: Vectors and Matrices, Graphs
Subject: Geoscience: Geoscience:Geology:Geophysics:Geodesy, Environmental Science:Natural Hazards:Volcanism, Environmental Science:Natural Hazards, Engineering
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), Middle (6-8), High School (9-12)
On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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Exploring Tectonic Motions with GPS
Shelley E Olds, EarthScope Consortium
Learners study plate tectonic motions by analyzing Global Positioning System (GPS) data, represented as vectors on a map. By observing changes in vector lengths and directions, learners interpret whether regions are compressing, extending, or sliding past each other. To synthesize their findings, learners identify locations most likely to have earthquakes, and defend their choices by providing evidence based on the tectonic motions from the GPS vector and seismic hazards maps. Show more information on NGSS alignment Hide NGSS ALIGNMENT Disciplinary Core Ideas History of Earth: HS-ESS1-5 Earth' Systems: MS-ESS2-2 Earth and Human Activity: MS-ESS3-2, HS-ESS3-1 Science and Engineering Practices 4. Analyzing and Interpreting Data 5. Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking 6. Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions Crosscutting Concepts 4. Systems and System Models 7. Stability and Change 

Quantitative Skills: Vectors and Matrices
Subject: Geoscience: Geoscience:Geology:Geophysics:Geodesy, Environmental Science:Natural Hazards, Geoscience:Geology:Tectonics, Environmental Science:Natural Hazards:Earthquakes
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), Middle (6-8), High School (9-12)
On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Unit 5: Societal Implications of Climate Change: Stakeholder Report
Bruce Douglas, Indiana University-Bloomington; Susan Kaspari, Central Washington University
Sea-level rise due to the melting of glaciers and ice sheets and ocean thermal expansion has significant societal and economic consequences. In this final unit, students prepare a summary of the impacts of sea ...

Quantitative Skills: Estimation, Probability and Statistics:Data Trends, Graphs
Subject: Geoscience: Environmental Science:Sustainability, Geoscience:Geology:Geophysics, Geophysics:Gravity, Geodesy, Environmental Science:Natural Hazards, Global Change and Climate:Sea Level Change, Environmental Science, Global Change and Climate:Climate Change, Climate Change:Impacts of climate change, Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Climate Change:Impacts of climate change, Geoscience:Geology:Environmental Geology
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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GETSI Developed This material was developed and reviewed through the GETSI curricular materials development process.
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Human Wave: Modeling P and S Waves
IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology) and ShakeAlert
Lined up shoulder-to-shoulder, learners are the medium that P and S waves travel through in this simple, but effective demonstration. Once "performed", the principles of P and S waves will not be easily forgotten. This demonstration explores two of the four main ways energy propagates from the hypocenter of an earthquake as P and S seismic waves. The physical nature of the Human Wave demonstration makes it a highly engaging kinesthetic learning activity that helps students grasp, internalize and retain abstract information.

Quantitative Skills: Graphs, Gathering Data, Arithmetic/Computation
Subject: Geoscience: Geoscience:Geology:Geophysics:Seismology, Environmental Science:Natural Hazards:Earthquakes, Geoscience
Grade Level: Informal, College Lower (13-14), General Public, High School (9-12), Intermediate (3-5), Middle (6-8)
On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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