How do I use vectors?
Plotting magnitude and direction in the Earth sciences
This module is available for public use, but it is undergoing revision after classroom implementation with the Math Your Earth Science Majors Need project.
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What are vectors and what are they good for?
To describe the temperature, it's enough to say it's 65 degrees F. If all that is required is a number and units, we call that thing a scalar quantity. But to describe something that is moving, or a force causing motion, the direction also matters. Groundwater is flowing at a rate of 1.5 feet per day (ft/d) due south. If the description requires both an amount and a direction, it is a vector quantity. Vector quantities are often drawn on maps as arrows. In this module, vector quantities are shown in bold; scalar quantities are in regular font.
How do I distinguish vectors from scalars and understand vector maps?
Specially mounted GPS instruments use satellite data to measure the local velocity of the tectonic plate they are on. In this example you will use the map to the right, showing GPS velocity vectors, to identify whether plates are rigid or are internally deforming, and identify active plate boundaries.
Map showing the plate motion vectors as measured by the GPS stations in the Network of the Americas (NOTA).
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Vectors have both a
magnitude and a
- Magnitude is the number, in this case the rate of motion of the GPS station in millimeters per year (mm/yr)
The length of the arrows corresponds to the magnitude of the velocity. In this discussion we use the word rate for the magnitude of the velocity. Note the scale in the lower left of the plate motion map, showing the length of the arrow that represents a rate of 20 mm/yr. An arrow twice as long would indicate a rate of 40 mm/yr.
- Direction of the vector is the orientation of the arrow
For example, the fastest moving point on this map, shown by the longest arrow in the lower right, is moving with an azimuth of 36o.
- On vector maps , usually the tail of the arrow marks the point that the vector describes.
For example, the longest arrow in the lower right shows the velocity of the point at the tail of the arrow, the Cocos Islands.
In this module we define map directions using
Azimuth depicting the relationship between positive and negative azimuth directions.
Provenance: Isabella Metts, EarthScope Student Career Intern
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Positive azimuth directions are defined in degrees counted
clockwise from north, as shown:
A negative azimuth is counted counterclockwise from north.
For example, = -26o is the same direction as 334o.
Maps Step 1. This map shows elevations and plate motion velocities. Is each property a scalar or a vector?
Elevations are shown in colors from darker blue at lowest seafloor yellow and brown at high land elevations. Elevation is a property that has a numerical value such as 500 feet above sea level. But elevation does not have a direction, so it is a
scalar value.
Plate motion velocities have both a magnitude (mm/yr) and a direction, so they are vectors .
GPS station on Cocos Island near Costa Rica.
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Maps Step 2. Identify the magnitude scale of vectors. What is the rate of motion
`bb "V"_bb"C"` of the GPS on the Cocos Islands (the longest arrow in the lower right)?
2a. Estimate your answer. Compare visually the length of the Cocos arrow with the length of the scale arrow (lower left of map). Longer = faster rate. Shorter = slower rate. The Cocos arrow looks about 5 times as long as the 20 mm/yr scale vector, so the rate should be about
`5 xx 20` mm/yr `= 100` mm/yr.
2b. Use graphics to answer. From your screen or printout:
- find the length `["Length"(bb"V"_(bb"20"))]` of the scale arrow in the lower left representing ` 20` mm/yr
- and the length ` ["Length" (bb"V"_bb"C")]` of the arrow representing the ` "Cocos Rate" `
- ` bb"V"_bb"C" = (("Length"(bb"V"_bb"C"))/("Length"(bb"V"_(bb"20")))xx20 (mm)/(yr))`
Your answer will depend on your measurements of the arrow lengths but should be about 115 mm/yr.
2c. Check your graphics against against your estimate from part 2a. They should be reasonably close.
Maps Step 3. Identify trends in the vector map. Are there zones of greater/lesser plate motion magnitudes (rates)? Are there zones of distinctive directions of plate motions? Are there outlier points?
This map assumes the interior of the North American Plate is stable. There is no "perfect" answer to these questions. Rates in the middle and eastern US are very slow (short arrows). Rates on the west coast of the US in California are much faster (long arrows) and consistently northwest in direction. The magnitudes and directions in Alaska are generally northward, but more variable than in California. The rate of motion of the Cocos Island GPS station is distinctly faster than anywhere else on the map.
Bold text, such as ` bb"M" ` , is used here to show a vector quantity. Sometimes subscripts are added to differentiate between different vectors of the same type. For example ` bb"M"_(bb"x") ` or ` bb"M"_(bb"y") ` may be used to represent vectors of the same type, with different directions.
How do I find the components of a vector?
Finding vector components requires trigonometry.
- You can review Trigonometry.
- Make sure you know whether your calculator expects angles in degrees or radians. Get help Using your calculator.
- Note: Excel in default mode uses angles in radians. `1 "radian" = pi/180 "degrees"` . In Excel `pi` is written as pi().
Vectors can be thought of as a sum of two perpendicular components. One way to think of these components is that they represent parts of the force/flow/velocity vector operating in specific directions. The original vector is called the
resultant of the two components.
The Cocos Islands station velocity vector has magnitude (rate) = 116 mm/yr and an azimuth of 36o. What is the eastward rate of motion of the Cocos Island GPS station? What is the northward rate of motion?
Components Step 1 (maps). Identify the resultant vector magnitude and direction, and the components you want to solve for.
Make a sketch of the resultant and component vectors and the azimuth as in part 1 of the diagram to the right.
- Resultant vector magnitude `= bb"V"_bb"C"= 116` mm/yr.
- Resultant vector azimuth = `alpha = 36`o
- Components to solve for ` bb"V"_(bb"C(E)"),bb"V"_(bb"C(N)")` .
Provenance: Sarah Kruse, University of South Florida
Reuse: This item is in the public domain and maybe reused freely without restriction.
Components Step 2 (maps). Find the triangle that includes the resultant, components, and angle.
The blue triangle on the vector component figure to the right includes the resultant, components, and angle. Note that a vector can be drawn anywhere, and that the top side of the triangle is the same length as, `bb"V"_(bb"C(E)")`. So the length of the top side of the triangle is the magnitude `bb"V"_(bb"C(E)")`.
Components Step 3 (maps). Use trigonometry to solve for the components.
Note that a component vector does not need to be drawn on an axis, but will be parallel to one. For example, see that the top side of the vector triangle is the same length as
`bb"V"_(bb"C(E)")`. So the length of the top side of the triangle is the magnitude
- `sin(alpha) = (opp)/(hyp)=bb"V"_(bb"C"(bb"E"))/bb"V"_bb"C"` .
Rearranging, `bb"V"_(bb"C"(bb"E")) = sin(alpha)* bb"V"_bb"C" = 0.59 * 116` mm/yr `= 68` mm/yr .
- `cos(alpha) = (adj)/(hyp) = bb"V"_(bb"C"(bb"N"))/bb"V"_bb"C"` .
Rearranging, `bb"V"_(bb"C"(bb"N"))= cos(alpha)*bb"V"_bb"C" = 0.81 * 116` mm/yr` = 94` mm/yr .
Components Step 4 (maps). Does your answer make sense?
Check 1: Should the north and east components of motion have faster or slower rates than the resultant `bb"V"_(bb"C")`? Component magnitudes will always be smaller than the resultant magnitude, as can be seen from the blue triangle. 68 mm/yr eastward and 94 mm/yr northward are indeed slower than the resultant 116 mm/yr. Check 2: Just looking at the direction of `bb"V"_(bb"C")`, should the northern component be greater (faster) than the eastern? Yes, from the arrow direction the plate is moving more northerly than easterly. 94 mm/yr northward is more than 68 mm/yr eastward.
To find vector components relative to another direction
Provenance: Attribution Galeria del Ministerio de Defensa del Perú, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
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Some problems require finding vector components perpendicular and parallel to a given direction. This involves the same steps as finding East and North components of a map vector, but it may be helpful to visually rotate your problem so your given direction is either horizontal or vertical.
Intuitively, we would guess that the steeper the dip of the rupture surface, the more likely it is that a landslide would slip. This problem asks you to check that intuition using the physics of slope stability.
The forces driving and resisting landslide slip depend on the gravitational force on the landslide `bb"G"` and the dip angle of the slip surface theta as shown in Figure AA. The gravitational force `bb"G"` can be resolved into the downslope component `bb"G"_(bb"d")` parallel to the rupture surface and the perpendicular component `bb"G"_(bb"p")`. `bb"G"_(bb"d")` acts to drive slip of the body of the landslide down the rupture surface. In contrast the perpendicular `bb"G"_(bb"p")` helps the landslide stick to the underlying rock, so it acts to resist slip. Compare rupture surface dip angles of 70o and 40o. Show that for the steeper 70o dip angle, the downslope force `bb"G"_(bb"d")` is greater and the resisting force `bb"G"_(bb"p")` is weaker than the 40o scenario. Assume the magnitude of the gravitational force of the body of the landslide `bb"G"` is 1.5 x 1010 N.
Figure AA. Top: geology. Bottom: physics. Note the dip angle theta of the rupture surface is the same theta used in the vector component diagram.
Provenance: Sarah Kruse, University of South Florida
Reuse: This item is in the public domain and maybe reused freely without restriction.
To solve this we will follow the steps for finding the components of vectors in a given direction for both the 40o degree and 70o dip angle cases.
Components Step 1. 1a. Identify the resultant vector and the direction for which you want to find the perpendicular and parallel components. 1b. Find the angle between the resultant vector and the given direction.
Make a sketch, as in Figure AA:
- Resultant vector magnitude = `bb"G" = 1.5 xx 10^(10) N`.
- Resultant vector direction = vertical, down.
- Given direction is the rupture surface with dip angle ` theta`. Want components parallel ( `bb"G"_(bb"d")`) and perpendicular ( `bb"G"_(bb"p")`) to the rupture surface.
- Angle between resultant vector and given direction as shown on figure = `theta`. Asked to consider two cases of `theta`: 40o and 70o.
Components Step 2. Find the triangle that includes the resultant, components parallel and perpendicular to the given direction, and an angle inside the triangle. (To do this, it may help to rotate your geometry to draw the given direction as vertical or horizontal.)
Figure AB. Triangle used to find magnitude of component vectors.
Provenance: Sarah Kruse, University of South Florida
Reuse: This item is in the public domain and maybe reused freely without restriction.
In Figure AB the yellow triangle includes the resultant, components, and the angle
Components Step 3. Use the trigonometry in Figure AB to solve for the components.
Figure AB. Triangle used to find magnitude of component vectors.
Provenance: Sarah Kruse, University of South Florida
Reuse: This item is in the public domain and maybe reused freely without restriction.
- `sin(theta) = (opp)/(hyp) = bb"G"_bb"d"/bb"G"`. Rearranging, `bb"G"_bb"d" = sin(theta)* bb"G"`
- For `theta = 40`o `bb"G"_bb"d"= 0.64 * 1.5 xx 10^(10) N = 9.6 xx 10^9 N`.
- For `theta = 70`o ` bb"G"_bb"d"= 0.94 * 1.5 xx 10^(10) N = 1.4 xx 10^(10) N`.
- ` cos(alpha) = (adj)/(hyp) = bb"G"_bb"p"/bb"G"`. Rearranging, ` bb"G"_bb"p" = cos(alpha) * bb"G"`
- For `theta = 40`o `bb"G"_bb"p" = 0.77 * 1.5 xx 10^(10) N = 1.1 xx 10^(10) N`.
- For ` theta = 70`o ` bb"G"_bb"p" = 0.34 * 1.5 xx 10^(10)N = 5.1 xx 10^9 N`.
Components Step 4. Does your answer make sense?
Summary Table | Shallower rupture surface ?=40° | Steeper rupture surface ?=70° | Comparison |
Driving force Gd | 9.6 x 109 N | 1.4 x 1010 N | Steeper has greater driving force |
Resisting force Gp | 1.1 x 1010 N | 5.1 x 109 N | Steeper has smaller resisting force |
Summary table associated with component 4 of 'To find vector components relative to another direction'.
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(last updated 2023-11-24 07:01:30)
The answers in Step 3 show that for the steeper 70o dip case, the downslope force `bb"G"_(bb"d")` is greater, and the perpendicular force `bb"G"_(bb"p")` is smaller. This means the force driving slip is greater, the force acting to restrain slip is smaller. So the landslide is more likely to slip at the steeper dip angle, as matches intuition.
How do I multiply a vector by a scalar?
Multiplying by a positive scalar results in a vector with a different magnitude but the same direction. When multiplying a vector by a negative scalar the magnitude changes and the direction flips 180 degrees .
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Velocity of a Volcanic Bomb
Explosive volcanic eruptions are dynamic events where material is ejected from the volcanic conduit at high velocities. Volcanologists refer to the material erupted as tephra, which is classified based on its size. Large (> 2 mm) projectiles are called 'bombs' and in high energy eruptions can fall kilometers (km) away from the vent.
A volcanic bomb is erupted from a volcano with a initial upward velocity ( `bb"V"_(bb"up")`) of 200 meters per second (m/s). The downward velocity ( `bb"V"_(bb"down")`) of the bomb just before impact with the ground is 1/4 of the initial velocity. What is the velocity of the bomb just before impact?
Step 1. Identify the magnitude and direction of the vector to be multiplied and the scalar multiplication factor.
Vector diagram illustrating the upward velocity of a volcanic bomb.
Provenance: John Zayac, Vassar College
Reuse: This item is in the public domain and maybe reused freely without restriction.
The initial upward velocity of the bomb is 200 m/s in an upward direction.
` bb"V"_(bb"up") = 200` m/s
The scalar multiplication factor is 1/4 or 0.25.
Step 2. Multiply the vector magnitude by the scalar to get new the magnitude.
Vector diagram showing the relationship between vectors in the problem.
Provenance: John Zayac, Vassar College
Reuse: This item is in the public domain and maybe reused freely without restriction.
The multiplication factor adjusts the magnitude of our downward velocity vector but not the direction. Here, the given velocity (
`bb"V"_(bb"up")`) has an upward direction and
`bb"V"_(bb"down")` has the opposite direction. We need to multiply by a negative multiplication factor in order to account for the directional change.
` (bb"V"_(bb"down")) = -0.25 * (bb"V"_(bb"up")) = -0.25 * 200` m/s` = -50 `m/s.
Step 3. Does your answer make sense?
-50 m/s is 1/4 of the original velocity and in the opposite direction, so our math seems to be correct.
How do I add vectors?
Vector addition can be visualized graphically. When two vectors are being added, the sum is the vector that connects the two when the arrowhead of one vector is connected to the tail of the other.
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The volcanoes of the Hawaiian Emperor Seamount Chain provide a record of the motion of the Pacific Plate over the Hawaiian hotspot for the past 80 million years (Myr). The plate has been moving to the northwest for the past 47 Myr but was traveling more northerly prior to that.
The distance between the Big Island of Hawaii, the current location of the hotspot (age = 0 Myr) and the Daikakuji Seamount (age = 47 Myr) is 3520 km with an azimuth of 300o. Between Daikakuji Seamount and the Meiji Seamount (age = 82 Myr) the distance is 2375 km with an azimuth of 351o.
What is the net velocity of the Pacific Plate over the past 80 Myr?
Map illustrating the motion vectors of the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain with an inset that displays the vector components.
Provenance: John Zayac, Vassar College
Reuse: This item is in the public domain and maybe reused freely without restriction.
Step 1. Identify the magnitude and direction of each vector given in the problem and determine the vector needed to be solved for.
The rate of movement here is simply the distance divided by the time, so we will use the formula: rate = distance/(age
old - age
For the Hawaii to Daikakuji segment, the rate `(r_(H-D)) = (3520 (km)) /(47 (Myr) - 0 (Myr)) = 75 `km/Myr` = 75 `mm/yr``
For the Daikakuji to Meiji segment, the rate `(r_(D-M)) = (2375 (km))/(82 (Myr) - 47 (Myr)) = 68 `km/Myr` = 68 `mm/yr``
These values represent the magnitudes of our vectors.
Step 2. Break down each of the given vectors into their respective directional components.
Recall that your east components will be negative since the plate is moving westward.
The components can be obtained using the following relations (as in the map components example above):
Hawaii to Daikakuji segment:
`bb"V"_(bb"H-D"(bb"N")) = cos(alpha) * bb"V"_(bb"H-D") = cos(300`o`) * 75` mm/yr` = 0.500 * 75 `mm/yr` = 38 `mm/yr
`bb"V"_(bb"H-D"(bb"E")) = sin(alpha) * bb"V"_(bb"H-D") = sin(300`o`) * 75 `mm/yr` = -0.866 * 75 `mm/yr` = -65 `mm/yr
Daikakuji to Meiji segment:
`bb"V"_(bb"D-M"(bb"N"))= cos(alpha) * bb"V"_(bb"D-M") = cos(351`o`) * 68 `mm/yr` = 0.988 * 68 `mm/yr` = 67 `mm/yr
`bb"V"_(bb"D-M"(bb"E"))= sin([alpha) * bb"V"_(bb"D-M") = sin(351`o`) * 68 `mm/yr` = -0.156 * 68 `mm/yr` = -11 `mm/yr
Step 3. Add the magnitudes of the component vectors with the same direction to calculate the component vectors of the sum.
Add the north components of both segments to get the north component of the resultant vector.
` bb"V"_(bb"total"(bb"N")) = bb"V"_(bb"H-D"(bb"N")) + bb"V"_(bb"D-M"(bb"N")) = 38 `mm/yr` + 67 `mm/yr` = 105 `mm/yr
Add the east components of both segments to get the east component of the resultant vector.
` bb"V"_(bb"total"(bb"E")) = bb"V"_(bb"H-D"(bb"E")) + bb"V"_(bb"D-M"(bb"E")) = -65 `mm/yr` + -11 `mm/yr` = -76 `mm/yr
Step 4. Use your results in Step 3 to find the magnitude and azimuth of the sum vector.
Recall that the component vectors are perpendicular to each other so they form the opposite and adjacent sides of a right triangle. This means that the magnitude of the resultant vector can be found using the relation:
`(bb"V"_(bb"total"))= sqrt[ (bb"V"_((bb"total"(bb"N"))^bb"2")) + (bb"V"_((bb"total"(bb"E"))^bb"2"))] = sqrt((105 "mm/yr")^2 + (-76 "mm/yr")^2) = 130` mm/yr
The azimuth can be determined by using the relation:
`alpha = tan^(-1) ((bb"V"_(bb"total"(bb"E")))/(bb"V"_(bb"total"(bb"N")))) = tan^(-1) (-76 `mm/yr` / 105 `mm/yr`) = -36`o `= -0.627 `radians
Remember if your azimuth calculation results in a negative number, you can convert that to a positive azimuth by subtracting from 360o.
The net velocity of the plate has been 130 mm/yr with an azimuth of 324o.
Step 5. Does your answer make sense?
Check the magnitude: Your vector should be longer than the original vectors and shorter than if you put the vectors in a line from head to tail. So the magnitude of the sum should be greater than 68 mm/yr and 75 mm/yr and less than 143 mm/yr. The magnitude is 130 mm/yr, so the magnitude of the answer makes sense.
Check the azimuth: Assess visually from the vector diagram. The azimuth should be between the azimuth of our original velocity vectors (300o and 351o). Our calculated azimuth is 324o so our result seems consistent.
Where are vectors useful in the Earth sciences?
Vectors are important to many subdisciplines of the Earth sciences. A few examples
Meanings and maps of vectors:
- Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements of plate motions
- The movement of contaminant plumes in the atmosphere, oceans, and freshwater systems
One-dimensional vector addition/subtraction and scalar multiplication:
- Calculating effective sea level rise with both rising sea level and subsiding land
- Examining the forces driving sinkhole collapse
- Tracking the rise of bubbles and sinking of crystals in magmatic systems
Two-dimensional vector components and addition/subtraction:
- Finding the relative velocity of two tectonic plates along their boundary
- Tracking the motion of sand along a coastline due to longshore transport
- Computing groundwater flow rate and direction from three wells
- Applying Snell's Law to wave refraction and groundwater flow refraction
- Examining the forces involved in slope stability/failure in landslides.
- Understanding the readings of commonly used magnetometers that measure the magnetic field strength (but not the magnetic field direction).
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Pages written by Sarah Kruse (University of South Florida) and John Zayac (Vassar College).