The Math Your Earth Science Majors Need Workshop
Faculty workshop to develop quantitative skills modules for geoscience majors classes
Note: this workshop has already taken place.
June 2-6, 2024
Denver Tech Center, Colorado (Greenwood Village)
Quantitatively skilled Earth science graduates are critical to
This is the second workshop focused on developing more co-curricular modules for majors-level Earth science courses. The 2023 workshop created eight modules that are being tested during the 2023-24 academic year. An earlier project -- The Math You Need-- developed modules for introductory-level Earth science courses.
Workshop description
This workshop will gather ~12 faculty members and facilitators to develop and plan for the testing of quantitative skill support modules for majors-level undergraduate geoscience courses. Participants will have reasonable travel costs reimbursed (transportation, lodging, food) and receive stipends upon the completion and acceptance of their module and the successful implementation of one or more modules in their courses.
The workshop will be held in the Denver area beginning at 4 pm Sunday June 2 and will conclude at noon Thursday June 6.
Participants who are accepted to the workshop are committing to doing some preparatory activities, attending the entire workshop, and finalizing/testing the resulting module in their course during the 2024-25 academic year.
Eligible participants
To be supported by these funds, participants must be either a US citizen, a permanent resident, or in the employ of a US institution. If you do not meet these requirements and are interested in participating in a workshop at your own expense, please contact the workshop conveners (Beth Pratt-Sitaula, beth.pratt-sitaula AT
Workshop application
Applications closed Friday February 16, 2024 - WORKSHOP FULL
Accepted participants will be notified by early March. Participants will be selected based on their expressed interest in developing and testing TMYN-Majors modules, and to achieve a workshop-wide variety of geoscience specializations, courses, student populations, institutional types, and quantitative skill interests.
Workshop goals
- Professional development on authoring and using co-curricular quantitative skills modules
- Partner with other Earth scientists to develop a quantitative skills module
- Review modules developed by other teams
- Contribute sub-disciplinary example questions for one or more other modules
- Incorporate one or more of the modules into an existing course
- Professional development on student data collection for evaluation using the WAMAP system
Why should I apply?
- You will receive professional development on integrating math skills into geoscience majors-level courses
- You will produce peer- and evaluator-reviewed and tested curricular products that are published online
- You will have high-quality geoscience teaching resources for use by you and others
- Your reasonable travel costs, including meals and hotel, will be covered.
- You will receive two $1000 stipends upon meeting milestones after the workshop.
- You may have opportunities for follow-up assessment, research, and publications
Workshop conveners:
Beth Pratt-Sitaula, EarthScope Consortium
Eric Baer, Highline College, Geology
Rory McFadden, Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Questions: Beth Pratt-Sitaula (beth.pratt-sitaula AT
Workshop supported by NSF funding (IUSE-2234225). This workshop is sponsored by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers.