Workshop Overview
June 2-6, 2024
Denver Tech Center, Colorado (Greenwood Village)

The June 2024 workshop will bring together a diverse group of participants to develop math tutorials for students majoring in the Earth sciences. The co-curricular math tutorials will support undergraduate majors-level quantitative skill development.
Before, during, and after the workshop, participants will:
- Learn evidence-based best practices for integrating math skills into science courses
- Attend three pre-workshop meetings to gain overview of the project, discuss the scope of modules, and develop familiarity with module co-author
- Create module with co-author focused on math skill relevant to majors-level Earth science courses
- Provide detailed review of another module
- Write pre/post-quiz questions for students using OpenMath (WAMAP)
- Contribute questions to other authors from your sub-discipline
- Develop implementation plans for testing module(s)
- Test module(s) during the 2024-25 academic year
Workshop conveners
Beth Pratt-Sitaula, EarthScope Consortium; Engagement
Eric Baer, Highline College; Geology
Rory McFadden, Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
External evaluator
Michael Coe, Cedar Lake Research Group
June 2-6, 2024. The workshop begins at 4:00 pm MT on Sunday June 2 and ends at 12:00 (noon) MT on Thursday June 6
Workshop operational costs, as well as room, board, and travel costs for participants are covered by a grant from the National Science Foundation (IUSE-2234225)