Theme: Student Learning

The programming listed below seeks to address the topic of Student Learning.

Results 1 - 10 of 61 matches

Horses and Their Ancestors - A Geologic Time Scale Card Sort of the Cenozoic Era
Elisabeth Ervin-Blankenheim, Front Range Community College
The concept of geologic time can be difficult for students to grasp because of the vast scale of the Earth's 4.56-billion-year biography. This hands-on, minds-on activity highlights events during the Cenozoic ...

Paleontologists for a Day
Mattie Horne, Western Washington University; Robyn Mieko Dahl, Western Washington University
This activity uses hands-on interaction with 3D-modeled fossils to guide students and educators through an exploration of critical geoscience concepts (deep time, paleoclimate, functional morphology, and ...

Fred Marton, Bergen Community College; Lynn Schott, Bergen Community College
It is not unusual for students to search the web for sources to use for their classes. It is also not unusual for some of those sources to be unacceptable for a variety of reasons. To help students recognize which ...

Identifying Ocean Basins
Danielle Schmitt, Princeton University
In this multi-part activity students investigate the location, width, and depth of, as well bathymetric features present in, different ocean basins. They first explore elevation and bathymetric profiles that span ...

Carbon Cycle & 6th Mass Extinction Board Games
Rachel Phillips, University of South Carolina-Columbia
These are educational board games I created for the lab associated with my undergraduate course, "Processes of Global Environmental Change", which is an upper level elective at the University of South ...

Pedagogies and Practices for Boosting Spatial Understanding of Fluid Earth Processes
Peggy McNeal, Towson University; Tim Shipley, Temple University; Heather Petcovic, Western Michigan University
Thinking and learning about fluid-Earth processes can be uniquely challenging for students. This workshop targets instructors of fluid-Earth science courses including meteorology, oceanography, hydrology, ...

Guiding Students to Use Evidence to Support their Scientific Reasoning
Kathy Browne, Rider University; Andrea Drewes, Rider University; Gabriela Smalley, Rider University; Sage Lichtenwalner, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Scientific reasoning is complex and many of us have experienced our students struggling to excel in this skill. In this interactive workshop, participants will be introduced to an instructional framework that our ...

Expanding Pathways to Geoscience: Equity-Focused Virtual Field Experiences for Indigenous Student Success in Earth Sciences
Eric Chaides, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus; Darryl Reano, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus; Ryssa Keeto, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus; Kush Tandon, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Utilizing Infiniscope's browser-based platform, Tour It and a Theta 360 degree camera, we are creating virtual field experiences (VFEs) that integrate place-based learning tools and equity frameworks, such as ...

Integrating nature journals into an online pre-service elementary education science course
Christy Visaggi, Georgia State University
Teacher preparation in the elementary education program at Georgia State University, a large public minority-serving institution in downtown Atlanta, includes a series of "integrated science" courses ...

Building a field course to attract diverse minds to the geosciences
Kelsey Barker, Rowan University; Lily Pfeifer, Rowan University; Aaron Barth, Rowan University
Understanding earth's processes is broadly beneficial to an undergraduate curriculum, especially as society shifts toward a sustainable and environmentally focused future. The limited access to effective earth ...