Initial Publication Date: June 24, 2024

eARTh Connections at EER

We are excited to introduce a thread of activities at EER this year that connect art and science. All the activities below are open to all conference participants. In addition, we invite you to share a digital representation of your own earth-art -- this could be photography itself or a photo of your artwork - you can share your art here. Once we start receiving them, we will post them to a page within the 2024 Rendezvous website.

Available All Week:

eARTh collaborative coloring project in SERC room 228

  • Keep the creativity flowing all week and add to the community art project in SERC room 228

iNatualist observing nature project – outside – all week

  • Download the iNaturalist app and set up an account to get started! Visit the iNaturalist website.

Sunday July 14

  • Opening Session – eARTh Connections kickoff in SERC Atrium, 6:30-8pm
  • Quilt project - this will be on display all week in room 228

Monday July 15

  • 12-1pm – Temperature tapestry tutorial, no experience necessary. Supplies will be provided. Meet in SERC room 228. We will also introduce iNaturalist. Learn more about how to do the Temperature Tapestry!
  • Evening: eARTh Meet Up - 6:30pm, DoubleTree City Center Lobby (237 S. Broad St.)

Tuesday July 16

  • 12-1pm – Introduce iNaturalist. Nature Journaling drop in. Meet at the Registration table at 12pm.

Wednesday July 17

  • 12-1pm – Birding walk. Meet at the Registration table at 12pm.
  • 10-year anniversary collaborative art project at the Wednesday Panel/Forum, SERC room 110AB, 4:30-5:45.

Thursday July 18

Friday July 19

  • 12-1pm – Nature Journaling drop in. Meet at the Registration table at 12pm.