Contributed Program: Oral, Poster, Teaching Demonstration, and Share-a-thon Sessions

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Explore this year's contributed program!

View sessions and contributed abstracts below:

Oral Sessions Poster Sessions Share-a-thon Teaching Demos Presenter Guidelines

The deadline to submit an abstract or presentation has passed.

Many of us have interests in multiple areas of Earth Science education in addition to our discipline-specific interests, and the Rendezvous is designed to allow exploration of these areas in ways not possible during conventional scientific meetings. The Contributed Program is a critical component to this end, and offers both a venue to present work and an opportunity to see what is going on in the Earth Science education community.

The Rendezvous provides a unique opportunity to present and discuss your work with an audience of Earth educators. Contributions will be organized under three broad areas, some of which will complement workshop sessions and even dynamically feed into workshop content. Theme sets will be organized based on abstracts submitted; we have suggested several below. We encourage attendees to organize related presentations as a set: whether the set is on a similar topic or a group of presentations from the same project or research group. Please also let us know if the theme set is related to another element of the program (e.g. a morning workshop). This will help us better organize the contributed program sessions. We also encourage attendees to prompt colleagues to submit activities that fit a theme of their choice.

Please review the Presenter Guidelines before submitting your abstract or activity sheet.

Only one first author submission per person for oral, poster and teaching demo sessions. A second first author submission is allowed for a Share-a-thon session, so long as it is on a different topic. Space in sessions is limited, but we will do our best to give everyone their preferred presentation format. Session assignments will be in the final program, to be announced in April 2024. Presentations will not be able to be moved among sessions, so please wait to make travel plans accordingly.

See Oral, Poster, Teaching Demo, and Share-a-thon presentations from previous Rendezvous for examples.

Questions? Contact Monica Bruckner

Presentation Formats At a Glance

Use the links in the grid below to jump down to more information.

Presentation FormatWhat does this look like?
OralA 12 minute presentation followed by 3 minutes for questions, with access to a computer and projector.
PosterA traditional poster presentation focused on your research and/or teaching activities.
Teaching DemoA 20 minute presentation with access to a computer and projector. For an example of what presenters and audience members do during this time, check out this video (link coming soon!).
Share-A-ThonA round-robin presentation in which each participant will have 1-2 minutes to do a "lightning talk" with an overview of their activity, followed by time to interact with attendees and answer questions in a small group format.

Presenter Guidelines

Oral and Poster Submissions:

The 2024 Rendezvous Contributed Program Committee is accepting abstracts under two broad headings: Research and Teaching.

  • Education Research and Discipline Based Education Research presentations will include the analysis of data that supports research on a variety of geoscience education areas that may include teaching and learning in the classroom, teaching and learning process, assessment of programs or other research areas in teaching and learning in geosciences. Research presentations may be oral or poster format.
  • Teaching and Program presentations may also have some data to support them, but presentations will focus more on innovations in teaching, implementation and/or anecdotal data collection. Teaching presentations may be oral or poster format.

Research and teaching presentations will be sorted into the following themes for teachers/faculty or researchers. We also encourage attendees to organize related presentations as a theme set (similar topic, same project or research group). Theme sets can be suggested during abstract submission.

  • Attracting and Supporting Students
  • Community Engagement
  • Course Resources
  • Curriculum Design
  • Developing Geocompetencies
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Geoscience Education Research
  • Online Education
  • Place-based Learning
  • Professional Development for Undergrads, Grads and Faculty
  • Program Design
  • Research for Undergrads
  • Student Learning
  • Teacher Preparation, Professional Development and Policy Issues
  • Technology in the Classroom

The submission deadline has passed.

Teaching Demonstration Proposals:

Presentations in this category will engage the audience as participants in a classroom activity. K-16 teaching programs and activities are all encouraged equally. Teaching demonstrations are 20 minutes in length and are in a classroom-style presentation, differing from the less formal, 1-2-minute presentation followed by small-group discussion in the round-robin style of the Share-a-thon sessions.

Demonstrations should be active, e.g. something that audience members participate in, or a video or slide show of students performing the activity. We welcome proposals for activities that you have already submitted to (or adapted from) the Teach the Earth collection as well as new activity submissions.

As with the oral and poster presentations, we encourage attendees to organize related presentations as a theme set (similar topic, same project or research group). Theme sets can be suggested during proposal submission.

The submission deadline has passed.

Share-a-thon Proposals:

Share-a-thon sessions are an opportunity for authors to quickly share activities, materials, technologies, or educational apps with other Rendezvous attendees. The goal is for presenters to share their favorite activities or lessons with colleagues who will get an overview of activities and have time to ask questions in a more conversational format than other sessions.

This event will begin with a round-robin 1-2 minute "lightning" round to preview each activity, with the remaining time for attendees to circulate among presenters to interact in a small group format. Presenters will have a table to set up the materials for their activity as Share-a-thon attendees circulate. Presenters are asked to provide attendees with an overview and information about the activity (handout, online link) so that it can be reproduced by attendees in their own classrooms.

As with the oral and poster presentations, we encourage attendees to organize related presentations as a theme set (similar topic, same project or research group). Theme sets can be suggested during proposal submission.

The submission deadline has passed.