Theme: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The programming listed below seeks to address the topic of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
- Attracting and Supporting Students
- Community Engagement
- Course Resources
- Curriculum Design
- Developing Geocompetencies
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Geoscience Education Research
- Online Education
- Place-based Learning
- Professional Development for Undergrads, Grads and Faculty
- Program Design
- Research for Undergrads
- Student Learning
- Teacher Preparation, Professional Development and Policy Issues
- Technology in the Classroom
Results 1 - 10 of 30 matches
Incorporation of Indigenous Knowledges into Higher Education Earth Science Courses
Stephanie Erickson, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Amanda Patsis, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
This poster highlights Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) work occurring at the University of Minnesota's Department of Earth and Environmental Science (ESCI). Using the framework for ...
Expanding Pathways to Geoscience: Equity-Focused Virtual Field Experiences for Indigenous Student Success in Earth Sciences
Eric Chaides, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus; Darryl Reano, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus; Ryssa Keeto, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus; Kush Tandon, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Utilizing Infiniscope's browser-based platform, Tour It and a Theta 360 degree camera, we are creating virtual field experiences (VFEs) that integrate place-based learning tools and equity frameworks, such as ...
Initial Findings on the Accessibility and Inclusion of Geoscience Laboratories
Mandy Abel-Zurstadt, Central Washington University
d/Disabled geoscience students can encounter various barriers to fieldwork and laboratory research, and thus completion of a degree. Fortunately, these barriers are beginning to be addressed. For example, field ...
Developing Dispositions to Help Students Succeed in the Workforce
Karen Viskupic, Boise State University; Kaelyn Lagerwall, Boise State University; Anne Egger, Central Washington University
Recent work by Shafer et al. (2023) and unpublished employer interview data identified dispositions that employers of entry-level geoscientists are seeking. Such dispositions include a desire to learn, initiative, ...
Spotlights and Stories: Improving representation and engagement of diverse individuals in introductory geoscience courses
Katy Sparrow, Georgia State University; Christy Visaggi, Georgia State University
"Spotlights and Stories" is a new initiative for introductory geoscience courses led by four faculty in the Department of Geosciences at Georgia State University (GSU). Through this easily adoptable ...
Earth's climate system
Rondi Davies, CUNY Queensborough Community College
An exploration of Earth's climate system was created for a physical geology laboratory class at an urban community college in New York City. At the outset, students engage with a phenomenon-based exploration ...
Understanding Undergraduate Atmospheric Science Students' Sense of Belonging
Haylie Nicole Mikulak, Auburn University Main Campus; karen mcneal, Auburn University Main Campus
Sense of belonging is defined as an individual's feelings on how they fit in with a group, community, or organization including a person's undergraduate program. These personal and internal feelings ...
Field notes from the geoscience classroom by the June 2023 & January 2024 NAGT Outstanding Teaching Assistants
Sinjini Sinha, The University of Texas at Austin; Lauren Burns, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Emma McCully, Boise State University; Amadi Afua Sefah-Twerefour, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Teaching assistants (TAs) provide an important source of connection for undergraduate students, helping them master content, become more confident as scientists, and develop a wide array of skills. NAGT annually ...
Experiences of those with Minoritized Genders in the Geosciences: A Literature Review
Megan Lapkoff, Clemson University; Kelly Lazar, Clemson University
Harassment experienced by minoritized genders within geosciences has been documented for decades. This harassment ranges from microaggressions, negative assumptions about career motivations, bullying, and sexual ...
Building Bridges to Broaden Participation in the Geosciences: The Center for Chemical Currencies of a Microbial Planet (C-CoMP) Bridge-to-PhD Fellowship Program
Victoria Centurino, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Sonya Dyhrman, Columbia University in the City of New York
The C-CoMP Bridge-to-PhD Fellowship program advances our goal of broadening participation in the ocean sciences by affording diverse cohorts of Fellows opportunities to explore their research interests, gain ...