The Wow Factor: Cutting Rocks to Engage Students

Monday 1:30pm-4:00pm SERC Building - 234
Afternoon Mini Workshop


Kyle Fredrick, Pennsylvania Western University - California
Elisabeth Ervin-Blankenheim, Front Range Community College
Daniel Harris, Pennsylvania Western University - California

Many of our students, including non-majors already bring an interest in rocks, crystals, or gems to their introductory-level geoscience classes. But traditional geology labs tend to focus on rock and mineral identification, without emphasizing what draws students to them in the first place. By incorporating a relatively inexpensive rock saw and standard safety protocols into your geology class, it is possible to build engaging labs that leverage students childhood wonder to explore minerals' crystal form and hardness, and mineral composition of rocks. We'll demonstrate rock-cutting with standard, low-cost lapidary saws, and we ask participants to bring their own samples to see what's inside! Safety goggles will be provided.  Also, bear in mind that rock-saws can be wet and dirty, so prepare with that in mind.

Have a sample on your desk or bookshelf you've wanted to see inside? Bring your own specimens to cut!


By the end of this workshop, participants will:

  • Identify courses, units within courses, or extracurricular activities in which rock cutting and petrologic exploration is beneficial;
  • Identify financial and logistical challenges and opportunities to accessing petrologic equipment;
  • Use rock-cutting and polishing equipment;
  • Develop ideas and action plans for implementing rock-cutting into their programs.


1:30 Welcome and introductions

1:45 Discussion of safety protocols and logistics/space considerations

2:00 Small-group discussions and share-out of opportunities for incorporating rock-preparation activities into teaching

2:20 Break

2:30 Demonstration of rock-prep equipment

2:40 Participants work in small groups operating various rock-prep equipment, including multiple saw types and rock polishers

3:40 Participants identify specific activities, units, courses, or extracurricular opportunities for developing action plans

3:55 Group share-out of ideas, Q & A session

4:10 Wrap-up and workshop evaluation

4:15 Adjourn


Powerpoint slides from workshop (Acrobat (PDF) 2MB Jul23 24)

PennWest - California: Student liability waiver/training document Rock Prep Liability Form, PennWest-Cal (Acrobat (PDF) 73kB Jul14 24)

Hi-Tech Diamond (lapidary equipment)

Teach the Earth: