Exploring Earth's Surface Through Remote Sensing

Monday 1:30pm-4:00pm SERC Building - 232
Afternoon Mini Workshop


Elizabeth Joyner, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, SSAI
Michael Taylor, NASA Goddard

This hands-on mini-workshop introduces participants to the exciting world of remote sensing for studying Earth's surface. We will guide participants through remote sensing, from understanding the fundamental principles behind remote sensing within NASA's Earth Science Directorate, to actively collecting and analyzing data, and finally accessing Landsat data for Temple University's location to analyze. This fun and hands-on session has something for everyone. If you plan on attending this workshop, please see the important prep work/requirements below.

Prep Work/Requirements (NEW)

  • Prior to the workshop, please register with an Earthdata login. This login will be required to follow along with the training. The Earthdata Login provides a simple, centralized mechanism for user registration and user profile management for all users accessing data. The information provided by users when they register for Earthdata Login helps NASA better understand how our data are being used and the diverse needs of multiple user communities. NOTE: It is not an "account," nor is it an "authentication."
  • Please bring a fully-charged laptop.

Target Audience

The workshop is designed for educators, researchers, and anyone interested in leveraging NASA's remote sensing data for studying Earth. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience, we aim to inspire participants to integrate remote sensing tools into their instruction.


Through participation in this workshop, participants will gain:

  • An introductory understanding of basic remote sensing concepts
  • Hands-on experience with data collection using STELLA
  • Skill in accessing and downloading satellite data using AppEEARS
  • Access to valuable NASA Earth Science resources for continued learning and exploration


Workshop Activities:

  • Introduction to Remote Sensing: An overview will equip participants with the foundational knowledge of remote sensing techniques.
  • Building and Using STELLA: Participants will actively work with the STELLA handheld DIY instrument to collect surface reflectance measurements outdoors (weather permitting).
  • Data Analysis with AppEEARS: We will delve into AppEEARS, a user-friendly tool for accessing Landsat surface reflectance satellite data. Participants will utilize this platform to explore and compare observations from different time periods.
  • NASA Earth Science Resources: The workshop will conclude by providing participants with valuable resources and datasets from NASA's Earth Science Data Systems. These resources can be readily integrated into classroom activities, research projects, and future exploration of our planet from a remote sensing perspective.

Draft Agenda:

1:30 - 2PM Introductions, Goals, Housekeeping, IceBreaker
2-2:20PM Introduction to Remote Sensing
3-3:40PM AppEEARS
3:40 - 4PM Wrap Up & Share Out
4PM Adjourn 

Workshop Resources: