Programming for K-12 Educators
Customize your Program
Morning workshops and working groups will meet for two or three days. Workshops are interactive, with participants learning from experts and from one another.
The extended lunch hour provides a break and an opportunity to network with colleagues. Poster sessions will begin during the lunch hour on two days and the posters will remain available through the close of the day's program, with authors present after afternoon sessions.
During the afternoon you can pick from a mix of mini-workshops, round-table discussions and/or contributed talks or teaching demonstrations. Check out the sessions below that include K-12 teachers as part of their intended audience. Connect with your K-12 colleagues and interact with other K-20 Earth Science Educators at the Rendezvous this summer!
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Featured Events
- Monday-Wednesday (three-day; day 1 of 3) morning workshop: Integrated Environmental Systems at TSU Farm, 8:30-11:30am.
- Using Community Science to Advance Earth Science Learning afternoon mini-workshop. 1:30-4:00pm.
- Teaching and Perpetuating Earth Stewardship Education afternoon mini-workshop. 1:30-4:00pm.
- A Beginner's Guide to Creating Short Videos for Geoscience Courses afternoon mini-workshop. 1:30-4:00pm.
- Oral sessions, 1:30-4:00pm
- Earth Education Forum, 4:30-5:45pm.
- Monday-Wednesday (three-day; day 2 of 3) morning workshop: Integrated Environmental Systems at TSU Farm, 8:30-11:30am.
- Plenary Presentation, 4:30-5:45pm: We're All In This Together: Community science for learning and action, Raj Pandya, Director, Thriving Earth Exchange.
- Share-a-thon and Teaching Demonstrations (1:30-4:10pm)
- Roundtable discussion: Building Successful University-K-12 Partnerships (3-4:15pm)
- Monday-Wednesday (three-day; day 1 of 3) morning workshop: Integrated Environmental Systems at TSU Farm, 8:30-11:30am.
- Telling a New Climate Story — Giving Students a Positive Voice in the Age of Science Denialism afternoon mini-workshop, 1:30-4pm.
- Poster Session - 4:30-5:45pm.
- Town Hall: Building on the Legacy of the InTeGrate Project - 5:30-6:30pm
Thursday Events
- Thursday-Friday (two-day; day 1 of 2) morning workshop: Creating and Integrating Meaningful Virtual and Augmented Reality Content for Geoscience Classes, 8:30-11:30am.
- Thursday-Friday (two-day; day 1 of 2) morning workshop: Connect with Students by Leveraging Phenomena and Incorporating Modeling into the K-12 Earth Science Classroom, 8:30-11:30am.
- Earth Observatory for Kids: Communicating Earth Science in a hands-on approach to Our Young Earthlings afternoon mini-workshop, 1:30-4pm.
- Successes and Challenges of Using Social Media in Teaching and Learning afternoon mini-workshop, 1:30-4pm.
- Spicing Up Your Assessments: Moving beyond exams afternoon mini-workshop, 1:30-4pm.
- Oral sessions, 1:30-4:00pm
- Panel Discussion, 4:30-5:45pm: Grand Challenges in Earth Learning: Perspectives from Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Friday Events
- Thursday-Friday (two-day; day 2 of 2) morning workshop: Creating and Integrating Meaningful Virtual and Augmented Reality Content for Geoscience Classes, 8:30-11:30am.
- Thursday-Friday (two-day; day 2 of 2) morning workshop: Connect with Students by Leveraging Phenomena and Incorporating Modeling into the K-12 Earth Science Classroom, 8:30-11:30am.
- Roundtable discussions, 1:30-2:45pm:
- Using Lecture Tutorials to Make Classes More Student-centered
- Strategies for Using Community Developed Big Data Sets in Teaching
- Teaching Volcanology
- Teaching Demos, 1:30-3:00pm
- Poster Session, 3:00-4:00pm
- Town Hall