Initial Publication Date: January 9, 2009

2009-2010 Follow-On Workshops

The Follow-On Workshop Program is designed to bring Cutting Edge workshop results and resources to new audiences, while providing opportunities to develop new Cutting Edge workshop leaders. To integrate these regional workshops into the Cutting Edge program and to maximize the use of existing resources, workshop leaders with successful proposals attend a leadership workshop where they learn about Cutting Edge program goals, design principles, and website tools. The leadership workshop provides an opportunity to work with Cutting Edge PIs to design the workshop, and to work with the Cutting Edge evaluation team to design its evaluation. A $1000 leader stipend is provided to each leader on completion of the proposed regional workshop. However, the regional workshop must be financially self-supporting.

Jump down to the 2009 Workshops.

Teaching Geodesy in the 21st Century

Location: UNAVCO Science Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, Millenium Hotel; March 8, 2010
Leaders: Susan Eriksson, UNAVCO and Shimon Wdowinski, University of Miami
Cutting Edge PI mentor: Barb Tewksbury
SERC webteam mentor: John McDaris

Pursuing an Academic Career

Baltimore, MD; March 13, 2010
In association with the GSA Northeastern/Southeastern Section Meeting
Leaders: Rachel Beane, Bowdoin College and Jon Lewis, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Cutting Edge PI mentor: Heather Macdonald
SERC webteam mentor: Carol Ormand

Geology and Human Health

Branson, MO; April 11, 2010; 8:00 - 12:00
In association with the North Central and South Central sectional GSA
Leader: Syed Hasan, University of Missouri - Kansas City 
Cutting Edge PI mentor: Dave Mogk
SERC webteam mentor: Monica Bruckner

From Passive to Active: Classroom Makeovers that Improve Teaching and Learning

Branson, MO; April 11, 2010; 8:00 - 12:00
In association with the North Central and South Central sectional GSA
Leader: David Steer , University of Akron
Cutting Edge PI mentor: Cathy Manduca
SERC webteam mentor: Monica Bruckner

Teaching About Energy in Geoscience Courses: Current Research and Pedagogy

Denver, CO; October, 2010
In association with the GSA Annual Meeting
Leaders: James Myers, University of Wyoming; Fred Loxsom, Eastern Connecticut State University; Devin Castendyk, SUNY-Oneonta; and Karin Kirk SERC, Carleton College
Cutting Edge PI mentor: Cathy Manduca
SERC webteam mentor: Karin Kirk

A City State-of-Mind: Creating Effective Assignments for Urban Students

This workshop has been cancelled.

Teaching About Earth's Climate Using Data and Models

Virtual workshop; October 21-22 and 25-27, 2010
Leaders: Cindy Shellito, University of Northern Colorado, and Cathy Manduca, SERC, Carleton College
Cutting Edge PI mentor: Cathy Manduca
SERC webteam mentor: Monica Bruckner

Teaching About Complex Systems Using the STELLA Modeling Software

Sunday, December 12, 2010
In association with the AGU Fall Meeting
Leaders: David Bice, Pennsylvania State University, and Kirsten Menking, Vassar College
Cutting Edge PI mentors: Cathy Manduca and Dave Mogk
SERC webteam mentor: Carol Ormand

2009 Follow-On Workshops

Pursuing an Academic Career

Portland, ME; March 21, 2009 (in association with the GSA Northeastern Section Meeting)
Leaders: Rachel Beane, Bowdoin College and Britt Argow, Wellesley College
Cutting Edge PI mentor: Heather Macdonald
SERC webteam mentor: Carol Ormand

Student Motivation and the Affective Domain

Mesa Community College, Mesa, AZ; September 19, 2009 
Leader: Kaatje Kraft, Mesa Community College 
Cutting Edge PI mentors: Cathy Manduca and Dave Mogk
SERC webteam mentor: Karin Kirk

Preparing for Tenure: A Workshop for Tenure-Track Faculty

Location: Fall AGU Meeting; December 13, 2009; 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Leaders: Kristen St. John, James Madison University and Mark Leckie, University of Massachusetts - Amherst 
Cutting Edge PI mentor: Heather Macdonald
SERC webteam mentor: Carol Ormand