Past Virtual Events
Check out recordings and resources from past virtual events for learning and sharing about teaching geoscience online from NAGT, SERC, and other organizations in the field of education.
Results 1 - 10 of 25 matches
Webinar: Designing Remote Geology Field Courses
Mar 23 2020 Due to the potential cancellation of many summer field courses and camps, Chris Atchison (University of Cincinnati), Julie Newman (Texas A&M University), Basil Tikoff (University of Wisconsin, Madison), and Doug Walker (University of Kansas) are holding a webinar on Monday, March 23, at 1:30pm Eastern, to discuss other options. The group is thinking about creating some alternatives to a traditional field camp for this year. As such, the group would like to brainstorm the best ways of creating accessible and inclusive field experiences through remote synchronous and asynchronous instructional strategies. Webinar recording not available.
PRI Educational Resources Introductory Webinar
Mar 25 2020 Webinar recording available. This webinar will provide brief introductions to a wide range of freely available online educational resources created by the Paleontological Research Institution (PRI).
How to Survive Your (Hurried) Switch to Online Delivery Using UDL
Mar 26 2020 Converting your on-ground course to an online course can be a challenge under normal circumstances but converting to an online course in an emergency is a whole different matter. In this webinar, participants will discuss how to survive this process and even improve the course by applying the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL is an educational framework that seeks to remove barriers by providing multiple means of engagement, representation and action and expression. Webinar recording is available.
Webinar: Transformation in a Time of Crisis: Changing Course Venues in Midstream
Mar 26 2020 Watch webinar recording. In all our years of strategic planning, probably few of us have asked, What do we do with our courses if there is a pandemic in the middle of a semester? Yet here we are, experiencing one of the most all-encompassing shifts in higher education's history. This webinar will be a way for all of us to learn from each other about the strategies, decisions, implementation methods, and lessons learned from undertaking this huge task of moving our courses online in midstream.
Webinar: Safeguarding Quality, Equity, and Inclusion as Learning Moves Online
Mar 27 2020 Presentation file available. As the undergraduate experience goes virtual in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, how can colleges and universities ensure that the rapid scaling of online learning to unprecedented levels doesn't come at the expense of their commitment to quality, equity, and inclusion?
Volcano Tuesdays
Mar 31 2020 Watch recording. Each week on Tuesday at 11:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time, join us live for activities that will get you thinking about volcanoes of the Pacific Northwest. Grades: 4th-7th (learners of all ages are welcome!)
Webinar: (Suddenly) Teaching Geoscience Online
Apr 1 2020 Watch webinar recording. Many instructors are being asked to teach online for the first time with little advance notice. This webinar provides a rapid introduction to the elements of successful online geoscience teaching from a panel of seasoned online instructors. It will also overview available (and growing) resources for teaching geoscience online -- including both pedagogy and content elements.
Teaching Inclusively & Equitably Online: Using an Inclusive Pedagogical Framework
Apr 2 2020 Watch recording here. This virtual workshop is designed to help faculty, instructional staff, Teaching Assistants (TAs)/Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs), and support staff effectively transition to online learning environments, while maintaining a focus on inclusive and equitable practices. The workshops may be taken together as a series, or individually.
Blackboard Webinar Training Series: Accelerating Your Transition to Remote Instruction
Apr 2 2020 This webinar series is designed for Instructors who are new to Blackboard Learn and Blackboard Collaborate and are making a quick transition to deliver instruction remotely.
Webinar Series to Support Faculty Who are New to Teaching Online
Apr 2 2020 Watch recorded webinar. Columbia University's School of Social Work (CSSW) is offering a free webinar series to faculty who are new to teaching online.