Teaching Inclusively & Equitably Online: Using an Inclusive Pedagogical Framework

Initial Publication Date: April 27, 2020

Thursday, April 2, 2020

10:30am PT | 11:30am MT | 12:30pm CT | 1:30pm ET

Watch recording here. This virtual workshop is designed to help faculty, instructional staff, Teaching Assistants (TAs)/Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs), and support staff effectively transition to online learning environments, while maintaining a focus on inclusive and equitable practices. The workshops may be taken together as a series, or individually.

Rather than focus on technical instruction for a particular online platform, this virtual workshop will provide instructors with an inclusive, evidence-based, pedagogical framework that they can apply as they shift their face-to-face courses to the online environment. As a result of participating in this hands-on session, you will:

  • Understand the value and needs for creating inclusive learning environments in the online setting
  • Explore an inclusive teaching framework that identifies foundational skill domains and specific inclusive course design and instructional practices.
  • Use a lens of equity and inclusion to explore inclusive teaching strategies that relate to: (a) Social presence; (b) Course design; (c) Facilitation and classroom climate; and (d) Assessment

Hosted by: Aspire

For more information: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1VdA49uG8EcNkF167Y_TJrQw1uucZaDMmcrvwCDkobng/viewform?edit_requested=true