Webinar Series to Support Faculty Who are New to Teaching Online

Initial Publication Date: March 24, 2020

Events running from Tuesday, March 24 to Thursday, April 2

Multiple Times

Recording Available:
Watch recording »

Watch recorded webinar. Hosted by CSSW's Online Campus, this series will include interactive one-hour sessions around three fundamental topics, as well as a panel of instructors who have taught both in person and online. All are welcome to join for one or two sessions, or all four. Attendees will participate via chat and polls (no need to have a webcam or mic set up to attend). Space is limited to the first 500 attendees. The link to join these webinars will be emailed to those who RSVP on this form, on the morning of each webinar. These webinars will be recorded, and the recordings will be posted publicly on the Columbia School of Social Work YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/columbiassw/videos.

Hosted by: Columbia University's School of Social Work (CSSW)

For more information: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFIEL1JtBKXTvlV5F__-OquhZo8zQgLhI0qopK8v3M0FUwxw/viewform