GeoContext: a social and political context for geoscience education

The GeoContext collection is a set of teaching modules developed by a team of educators to promote integration of topics on racism, colonialism, imperialism, environmental damage, and exploitation of natural resources into subjects commonly taught in geoscience departments. This resource consists of modular lecture slides with accompanying lecture notes, suggested discussion questions, and further reading to promote in-class engagement. This resource is freely available and geared towards flexibility: rather than being a standalone course, it allows educators to pick and choose content for incorporation into their existing lectures.

The GeoContext team developed this set of modules in 2020. Contributors include: Tamara Pico, Christine Y. Chen, Harriet Lau, John Wesley Wiggins, Seth Olinger, Ery Hughes, Jacky Austermann, Claire Jasper, Casey E. Brayton, and Marisa Borreggine. An article in EOS published in March of 2021 features the GeoContext modules and their authors.

The GeoContext Collection provides an example for educators of one way in which to incorporate social and political context into geoscience education. Educators are encouraged not only to make use of the provided resources, but to use the concept and model in their own curricular creation by developing and including contextualization resources within and alongside their geoscience materials. Educators contributing materials to Teach the Earth are urged to consider integration of social and political topics within teaching activities.

GeoContext Teaching Philosophy

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