Webinar: Designing Remote Geology Field Courses

Initial Publication Date: March 23, 2020

Monday, March 23, 2020

10:30am PT | 11:30am PT | 12:30pm CT | 1:30pm ET

Recording Available:
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Recording available. Due to the potential cancellation of many summer field courses and camps, a webinar is being held on Monday, March 23, at 1:30pm Eastern, to discuss other options. Field camp leaders are thinking about creating some alternatives to a traditional field camp for this year. As such, the group would like to brainstorm the best ways of creating accessible and inclusive field experiences through remote synchronous and asynchronous instructional strategies. If you have an idea to share, submit your idea to the following form so we can schedule time for you to share during the webinar [link no longer active]. The amount of time provided will be dependent on the number of ideas received. Please plan for 3-5 minutes.

Keep in mind that there are many different types of field courses. While many of the ideas shared will be useful across all field experiences, consideration may need to be given to breaking down into discipline-specific working groups to address specific needs for specific field course types. So, join us, come with ideas to share, and bring an open mind. This webinar will be recorded for those of you unable to attend. Follow-up emails with ideas and any additional questions to consider will be shared broadly.

Hosted by:
Chris Atchison, University of Cincinnati
Julie Newman, Texas A&M University
Basil Tikoff, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Doug Walker, University of Kansas