How to Survive Your (Hurried) Switch to Online Delivery Using UDL

Initial Publication Date: March 23, 2020

Thursday, March 26, 2020

10:00am PT | 11:00am MT | 12:00pm CT | 1:00pm ET

Recording Available:
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Converting your on-ground course to an online course can be a challenge under normal circumstances but converting to an online course in an emergency is a whole different matter. In this webinar, participants will discuss how to survive this process and even improve the course by applying the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL is an educational framework that seeks to remove barriers by providing multiple means of engagement, representation and action and expression.

Speaker: Tom Thibodeau, Assistant Provost at the New England Institute of Technology
Tom Thibodeau has served as assistant provost at the New England Institute of Technology in East Greenwich, RI. As assistant provost, he serves as the division chair for seven academic departments with 18 degree programs (AS, BS, MS and PPD) and over 1,200 students. He also leads faculty development, outcomes assessment and attendance tracking through a team-based approach. As a facilitator of new faculty orientation, Thibodeau stresses the use of UDL, active learning, problem-based learning and technology-enhanced teaching and learning. He managed development of NEIT's first online degree program in Information Technology in 1998 and implemented a new curriculum mapping process. Thibodeau started at NEIT in 1990 as an adjunct instructor in video production and then an assistant professor, department chair and director of the Center for Distributed Learning and the Faculty Resource Center. Tom is the co-author of "UDL in the Cloud" with Dr. Katie Novak.

Hosted by: Online Learning Consortium

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