Outdoor Classroom Activities
Results 1 - 6 of 6 matches
An Environmental Assessment of Newark Road Prairie
Sue Swanson, Beloit College
The goal of this exercise is for students to complete a basic environmental assessment of Newark Road Prairie, a 35-acre wet-mesic prairie and state natural area owned by Beloit College. The exercise is completed ...
The Virtual Geology of Beloit College (using handheld PCs)
Sue Swanson, Beloit College
The goals of this exercise are for students to create their own geologic map and cross-section of the Beloit College campus and to describe the geological history of the campus based on their interpretations. The ...
Gathering field data using a GPS and ArcGIS 9.3 Part 1: Collecting Point Data
Jeff Clark, Lawrence University
Students learn how GPS and GIS can be used to gather and analyze point data. The main outcome is a digital map of campus trees classified by size and type. The technical skills learned in this lab will be used in a ...
Gathering field data using a GPS and ArcGIS 9.3 Part 2: streaming data and contouring
Jeff Clark, Lawrence University
This exercise introduces streaming data collection using ArcGIS and a GPS receiver. Analysis of these data serve as an introduction to the art of contouring and topographic map making. Routines within ArcGIS ...
Spatial Distribution of Lead in Urban Soils
Jeff Clark, Lawrence University
Students gather soil samples and collect information on property attributes (size, exterior type, condition, etc.) in order to analyze the spatial distribution of lead in soils in the neighborhood around Lawrence ...
The Effects of Storm Water Management on Water Quality
Jeff Clark, Lawrence University
This lab follows the skill development lab "Gathering Point Data using a GPS and ArcGIS 9.3." The topic is storm water detention ponds, which are designed in part to improve water quality. Using in-situ ...