Impostor Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a perception of inadequacy, self-doubt, or fraudulence often experienced by even the highest achievers. Left unchallenged, it may hinder confidence, career development, or relationships. This workshop will be an extension of the round table discussion at the 2019 Rendezvous, focusing on common perceptions of inadequacies and self-doubt experienced by many high achievers. Goals include highlighting the diversity of perceptions in the Earth Science community and sharing strategies and resources to address this issue.
All mini-workshops will take place online, via Zoom (unless otherwise noted). Participants will be sent links to the Zoom room and connection info will be posted below prior to the session start.
Session Connection Info
This session has already taken place.
By the end of this workshop, participants will:
- Have an understanding of imposter syndrome and its potential effects on professional development
- Be aware of stratgies and resources to address imposter syndrome
- Create an action plan for adressing challenges
(Program starts at 12pm PT / 1pm MT / 2pm CT / 3pm ET; times below are represented as hour:minute to standardize among time zones)
00:00 Welcome and introductions
00:10 Brief review of imposter syndrome and common themes from 2019 round table discussion
00:25 Small-group discussions of perceptions and experiences (Break out rooms)
00:45 Report out from small groups
01:00 Break
01:15 Small-group discussion of strategies/resources to addressing imposter syndrome (Break out rooms)
01:30 Report out from small groups (whiteboard: ImposterSyndromeWhiteboard.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 155kB Jul13 20))
01:40 Participants consider personal action plans action_plan_template.eer_2020_imposter syndrome.doc (Microsoft Word 30kB Jul7 20)
02:15 Wrap-up and workshop evaluation
02:30 Adjourn
Imposter Syndrome.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 345kB Jul16 20)
Clance and Imes Imposter Syndrome.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 37kB Jul6 20)
The list of resources from a participant's department for making the department a more inclusive environment.
A resource from Claremont College on decolonizing the geosciences shared by a participant (originally shared by a graduate student)
A highly recommended article from a participant for imposter syndrome sufferers
An unrelated website brought up during the session, Global model of wind, weather, and ocean conditions.
An urelated website brought up during the session Benthic deepwater animal guide V3 from NOAA exploration vessel Okeanos Explorer
Workshop series on being an antiracist white teacher.
Related books brought up during the session:
Janet Helms "A Race is a nice thing to have"
Ruth Enid Zambrana "Toxic Ivory Towers"
Layla F. Saad "Me and White Supremacy"