Theme: Program Design
The programming listed below seeks to address the topic of Program Design.
- Course Resources
- Curriculum Design
- Developing Geocompetencies
- Geoscience Education Research
- Implementing InTeGrate
- Online Education
- Professional Development for Undergrads, Grads and Faculty
- Program Design
- Recruiting, Retention, Diversity
- Research for Undergrads
- Student Learning
- Teacher Preparation, Professional Development and Policy Issues
Connecting Science to Issues of Sustainability and Environmental Justice
Joshua Villalobos, El Paso Community College
As natural resources become more scarce, an increasing percentage of the world's underprivileged population is facing issues of inequality and abuse in the distribution, and use, of these commodities. This ...
Heads & Chairs Workshop: Future of Undergraduate Geoscience Education
Sharon Mosher, The University of Texas at Austin
This workshop is specifically designed for geoscience department heads, chairs, and other administrative leaders. The NSF sponsored initiative on the "Future of Undergraduate Geoscience Education" engaged ...
Developing your Students' Career Awareness
Sue Ebanks, Savannah State University
The undergraduate university years are a time for academic development; but also they are a time for transition from classroom education to self-driven learning in a career of one's choosing. However, the path ...
Broadening Participation of Minorities in the Geoscience Workforce in the Absence of a Geoscience Department
Janet Liou-Mark, CUNY New York City College of Technology
Reggie Blake, CUNY New York City College of Technology
Hamidreza Norouzi, CUNY New York City College of Technology
Viviana Vladutescu, CUNY City College
Laura Yuen-Lau, CUNY New York City College of Technology
Although the shortfall in the geoscience workforce through 2024 has been reduced from 135,00 to about 90,000, and although there has been increasing enrollment and graduation trends from geoscience programs ...
Assessment of 21st Century Professional Competencies of Undergraduate Students
Dave Gosselin, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Alison Creeger, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Ron Bonnstetter, TTI Success Insights
Business and political leaders are increasingly asking higher education to develop student's abilities related to "21st century skills" or "21st century competencies" because they are the ...
Cathy Manduca, Carleton College
Donna Charlevoix, EarthScope Consortium
Barbara Nagle, University of California-Berkeley
Rajul Pandya, AGU
John Taber, EarthScope Consortium
Felicia Davis, HBCU Green Fund Inc.
Sally McGill, California State University-San Bernardino
Mark Benthien, University of Southern California
Kathy Ellins, The University of Texas at Austin
Norma Neely, The University of Texas at Austin
Garry Harris, ECO District Hampton Roads
To develop a diverse geoscience workforce, the EarthConnections collective impact alliance is developing regionally focused, Earth education pathways. These pathways support and guide students from engagement in ...
Geoscience Methods and Local Geology: Urban Teachers Engage in Authentic Experiences to Make Sense of Local Phenomena
Candace Penrod, Salt Lake City School District
In Utah, a western state well-known for its spectacular geology, many local elementary teachers lack the content knowledge and experience to effectively use geoscience methods to interpret natural landforms, ...
A Multiphase Approach to Overwhelmed Students
Kyle Fredrick, Pennsylvania Western University - California
Daniel Harris, Pennsylvania Western University - California
Billie Arnold, Pennsylvania Western University - California
California University of Pennsylvania has an active geology program boasting successful graduates that have become consistently positive representatives of the University and region. Despite these successes, ...
How to Incorporate Research into your Undergraduate Program
Rachel Headley, Albertson College of Idaho
Undergraduate research is a high-impact practice that has been tied to increased rates of retention rates, graduation, and graduate school attendance for STEM majors in general and particularly for ...
Building Pathways to Geoscience Graduate Programs
Reginald Archer, Tennessee State University
This round table discussion will focus on ways to inspire diverse talent to become the next generation of innovative leaders through advanced geoscience degrees. While lack of geoscience undergrads has been ...
Program Assessment
Karen Viskupic, Boise State University
Assessing program-level learning outcomes can drive curricular and pedagogical changes, and is likely a requirement of your institution's administration and accrediting body. We'll discuss assessment ...
Working with your Colleagues to Effect Change
Cailin Huyck Orr, Carleton College
To institute InTeGrate principles at scales larger than a course, 16 institutional or cross-institutional teams across the country embarked on implementation efforts to use InTeGrate materials and approaches to ...
Education in the Food-Energy-Water-Nexus: A Transdisciplinary Community
Cory Forbes, The University of Texas at Arlington
Hannah Scherer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ
Institutions of higher education must take a leading role in preparing all global citizens for the food, energy, and water (FEW) challenges of today and tomorrow. The Food-Energy-Water Nexus concept has emerged as ...
Eat All the Pez: Interdisciplinary Curriculum Ideas for K-12 Teacher Professional Development
Eliza Richardson, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Earth science is the smallest discipline among the sciences in terms of number of certified teachers at the K-12 level (compared to biology, chemistry, and physics). Some states require no instruction in Earth ...
Linked Assignments Based on Geologic Map Interpretations for Synthesizing Content Across Multiple Geology Courses and Meeting Workforce Needs
PRAJUKTI Bhattacharyya, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Jacobs, Peter, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Hanger, Rex, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Geologic maps visually represent a comprehensive geological history of a region, including, but not limited to the stratigraphy, fossil record, deformation history, and available minerals and other resources. As ...
Darryl Reano, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Jon Harbor, Purdue University-Main Campus
GeoConnections is a recent NSF-funded project that is focused on creating geoscience education modules (GEMs) that are place-based and culturally relevant for Native American undergraduate students. The development ...
Access and inclusion from the perspective of current departmental practice
Ivan Carabajal, University of Cincinnati-Main Campus
Christopher Atchison, University of Cincinnati-Main Campus
Many traditionally-designed geoscience courses and field-experiences are unintentionally presenting barriers to active participation for students with disabilities (SWD). As such, these barriers are potentially ...
Developing Leaders in STEM: Community College STEM Honors Program
Barbra Sobhani, University of Colorado at Boulder
In an effort to further develop our college's STEM opportunities and support diverse student populations in STEM, Red Rocks Community College committed to developing a comprehensive STEM Honors Program. The ...
Integrated STEM in the El Ed: The Natural History of Our World
Leah Courtland, University of Indianapolis
Steve Spicklemire, University of Indianapolis
Elizabeth Turner, University of Indianapolis
Anne Cutler, University of Indianapolis
Mary Gobbett, University of Indianapolis
At the University of Indianapolis (UIndy), the School of Education has partnered with the Shaheen College of Arts and Science to develop a series of five courses known as the "STEM block" aimed at ...
Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Pathways into Geoscience (IUSE:GEOPATHS)
Brandon Jones, National Science Foundation
Lina Patino, NSF
Elizabeth Rom, National Science Foundation
Manda Adams, National Science Foundation
Preparation of the geoscience workforce includes increasing numbers as well as providing adequate education, exposure and training for undergraduates once they enter geoscience pathways. It is important to consider ...
Establishing a Sequence of Three CURE Courses in Biogeochemistry
Jonathan Schmitkons, Binghamton University
Joseph Graney, Binghamton University
Nancy E. Stamp, Binghamton University
Megan Fegley, SUNY at Binghamton
Binghamton University's Freshman Research Immersion (FRI) Program aims to improve student persistence in STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) majors by augmenting their academic studies with the ...
Care and Feeding of Transfer Students: a First-Semester Seminar Helps Students Thrive
C. Suzanne Rosser, Texas A & M University
David Sparks, Texas A & M University
Julie Newman, Texas A & M University
Transfer students from community colleges make up a large and increasingly important share of undergraduate geology majors. These students are regarded as upperclass students by themselves and the university, but ...
Assessment in Paradise: Using Data to Drive Undergraduate Geoscience Initiatives and Programmatic Changes
Michael Guidry, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Tiffany Tsang, University of Hawaii at Hilo
For many students in Hawai'i, higher education begins in the University of Hawaii's Community Colleges (UHCC) with these students eventually transferring to a four-year university after receiving an ...
Building Pathways for Success: Supporting Student Transfer from Two-Year Colleges to Four-Year Colleges and Universities
Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary
Norlene Emerson, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Jan Hodder, University of Oregon
Nearly half of all undergraduates in the US begin their college educations at two-year colleges. Given the importance of community colleges in the academic pathways of so many undergraduate students, what can we do ...
Geology Transfer Scholars: A GEOPATHS Program Supporting Incoming Transfer Students Through an August Field Course
Kim Hannula, Fort Lewis College
Although many of the Fort Lewis College (FLC) geology graduates (38%) originated as transfer students, they have historically taken an extended time to graduate (on average, 3.7 years at FLC after transferring). ...
Creating Inclusive and Engaging Science Classrooms: Faculty Development is Key
Shane Spivey, Red Rocks Community College
Barbra Sobhani, University of Colorado at Boulder
Community college science departments have a unique opportunity to approach faculty development in an interdisciplinary manner. A challenge to moving the department forward as whole is the number of foundational ...
Expanding the perspective and offerings of the Traveling Workshop Program
Rory McFadden, Carleton College
Cathy Manduca, Carleton College
The Traveling Workshops Program (TWP) has been strengthening departments and courses by offering workshop opportunities for departments and groups to examine such topics as program design, curriculum mapping, ...
Earthquake Education Workshops In N.C.: A Teacher-Led Model For Science Education Workshops
Randy Bechtel, NC Geological Survey
Dr. Kenneth B. Taylor, North Carolina Geological Survey
In September 2014, the North Carolina Geological Survey (NCGS) conducted a series of three one-day earthquake education workshops in the western part of the state. These workshops were funded by a grant from the ...
Using Design Patterns as a Strategy for Capturing Generalizable Knowledge from Educational Interventions
Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Cailin Huyck Orr, Carleton College
A design pattern is a reusable solution to a problem that recurs repeatedly as people try to navigate through life. The concept began in architecture and has spread to many other fields. We think that the design ...
Desert Odyssey: Integrating Geology, Biology & Native American History & Culture in a Field-Intensive Program
Ben Fackler-Adams, Skagit Valley College
Cliff Palmer, Skagit Valley College
Charles Luckmann, Skagit Valley College
In Spring 2015, Skagit Valley College offered Desert Odyssey, a 15-credit learning community integrating geology, biology and Native American history, including a 3-week field program exploring interconnections ...
Graduate Teaching Assistant Training at Baylor University - Strategies for Success
Sharon Browning, Baylor University
Graduate teaching assistants are an integral part of geoscience education at all levels. It is imperative that they have access to training on a variety of issues, including course content, current pedagogical ...
For Higher Ed portal to Resources Supporting Change from Individual to Program scales
Cailin Huyck Orr, Carleton College
John McDaris, Carleton College
Cathy Manduca, Carleton College
Making and supporting changes in higher education at multiple scales presents challenges that are shared broadly by individuals and programs across institution types. It is important that we, as agents of change, ...