GER Forum

Monday 4:30pm-5:45pm Student Union: Ballroom C

Session Chairs

Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Kristen St. John, James Madison University

NEW for EER 2017: Geoscience Education Research and Practice Forum

Help to shape the emerging field of Geoscience Education Research!

Geoscience educators, bring your classroom, lab and field teaching experiences to the table for an informal discussion of:

  • Has there been a finding from education research, so far, that has profoundly impacted your teaching? And why was that finding so powerful?
  • What questions would you most like Geoscience Education Researchers to tackle and answer on your behalf?
  • When Geoscience Education Researchers have figured out something with practical significance for your teaching, how would you like to learn about it?
Geoscience education researchers will be there to listen to you and engage in conversations about these topics. Your observations can help shape future research directions and communication of research findings. Educators' ideas, concerns, and priorities from this Forum will serve as input into a white paper on the future of GER being assembled at the GER Grand Challenges and Strategies Workshop here at the Rendezvous.

Forum Program

4:30 - 4:35: Workshop framing and goals Forum Intro (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 622kB Jul17 17)

4:35 - 4:50: Full group discussion: Has there been a finding from education research, so far, that has profoundly impacted your teaching?

4:50 - 5:30: Small group discussions around GER themes: What questions (about your theme) would you most like GER to tackle and answer on your behalf?

  1. Student understanding of the solid Earth
  2. Student understanding of the Ocean/Atmosphere/Climate/Environment
  3. Education of K-12 teachers
  4. Teaching about the Earth in the context of societal problems
  5. Access and success of students from groups underrepresented in geosciences
  6. Quantitative reasoning and use of models
  7. Spatial and temporal reasoning
  8. Teaching in specific settings (e.g. field-based instruction, laboratory instruction, place-based instruction, online instruction)
  9. Student attitudes (e.g. motivation) and approaches to learning (e.g. self-regulated learning)
  10. Professional development for faculty and future faculty / Institutional change

5:30 - 5:45: Full group discussion: When GER researchers have figured out something with practical significance for your teaching practice, how would you like to learn about it?

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