Town Hall
Town Hall
Karen Viskupic, Boise State University
Hannah Scherer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ
The town hall will allow us to collectively reflect on the lessons we learned as a community at the Rendezvous, and to address any opportunities we see for collective action or impact.
Don't forget to tell us any ideas you have for EER 2018!
We can't promise locally made ice cream, but this closing Rendezvous 2017 event is not one to be missed!
Community Reflection:
What are the big takeaways? (turned into what we thought about the week....)
- Feeling less overwhelmed about making changes because there are many resources available
- Need to reach out more to K-12 -- hope to have more K-12 participation
- Good mix of people with different levels of experience for sharing ideas and expertise
- We need to do a better job of promoting the geosciences to the general public
- We need to scale things up and increase impact of what we're doing
- Would love to see more grad students and undergraduate students at the meeting
- Great to feel like part of a larger community, especially for people in small departments
- Made lots of connections with colleagues-- strong sense of community
- Community is welcoming to everyone
- Meeting is intense from beginning to end
- Learned about a diversity of topics
- Appreciate collegiality and genuine sense of community
- Helpful to know that others are working on the same issues
- Great that things are produced in the workspace right away
- Content-rich, inclusivity, affirmation, cross-pollination, increased connections
- Going home with a long list of things to do
- Need beer at the poster session
- Appreciate the 2-hour lunch
- Teaching demos were a highlight for K-12 teacher
- Opportunity to focus on the big picture, not just content that needs to be taught
- Host themed lunches at different places, or have optional lunch topics for discussion
- Word "networking" didn't come up because what we do has more depth-- development of community and partnerships
- Thankful for having time and space for working group meetings
What will YOU do differently in the upcoming year?
- Learned about new software to show a video with embedded places for questions
- Saw a teaching demo about glacial flow
- HBCU working group wants to get more of their work done during the year so that they can attend more sessions next year
- Integrate InTeGrate!
- Reach out to people met at the Rendezvous
- Be more realistic about changes to make, but also not procrastinate about making changes
- Heads and Chairs workshop participants will continue to work together on developing program-level assessments
- Incorporate environmental justice into courses including intro and an advanced water resources course
- Write more clearly-- curriculum and general communication
- I'm never going to give a lecture again
- Build a team of English instructors to help guide better assessment of writing
Refreshments will be available.