What is the range of ways to engage faculty to adopt active learning? Which are more efficient at promoting change?
What is the range of cost-effective way to support that change?
How might instructors who use active learning best encourage more traditional faculty to change?
What would change faculty attitudes toward adoption of evidence-based instructional approaches? What types of "gateway experiences" are effective?
What works for different populations, departments, institutional types, etc.?
What PD is already available at institutions, and how might types or amounts of support correlate to instructional culture?
What are effective models to incentivize faculty behavior change in teaching?
What some of the factors within the institutional structure that support change in practice? What alternate models for incentives might be effective?
What are the existing faculty value structures that can be tapped into to make change a "win-win"?
What is the relative importance of professional development within discipline versus outside the discipline?
What is the relative success/role of where change is initiated (institution level, department level)?
What is the critical mass tipping point of instruction adoption within a department (or is there one)?
What is the role (or what are the characteristics of) of individual "thought leaders" within a department?
What is the role of student demand in shifting instructional practice?
What are the value structures within a department or institution that incentivize change?
What is the range of cost-effective way to support that change?
How might instructors who use active learning best encourage more traditional faculty to change?
What would change faculty attitudes toward adoption of evidence-based instructional approaches? What types of "gateway experiences" are effective?
What works for different populations, departments, institutional types, etc.?
What PD is already available at institutions, and how might types or amounts of support correlate to instructional culture?
What are effective models to incentivize faculty behavior change in teaching?
What some of the factors within the institutional structure that support change in practice? What alternate models for incentives might be effective?
What are the existing faculty value structures that can be tapped into to make change a "win-win"?
What is the relative importance of professional development within discipline versus outside the discipline?
What is the relative success/role of where change is initiated (institution level, department level)?
What is the critical mass tipping point of instruction adoption within a department (or is there one)?
What is the role (or what are the characteristics of) of individual "thought leaders" within a department?
What is the role of student demand in shifting instructional practice?
What are the value structures within a department or institution that incentivize change?