Theme: Recruiting, Retention, Diversity

The programming listed below seeks to address the topic of Recruiting, Retention, Diversity.

How to Increase Diversity in Geoscience Programs PANEL DISCUSSION
Tuesday 1:30pm-2:45pm Gordon: Concerto Meeting Room

Steven Semken, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Stefany Sit, University of Illinois at Chicago
Suki Smaglik, Laramie County Community College
Gary Weissmann, University of New Mexico-Main Campus

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Of all the STEM disciplines, the geosciences ranks among the lowest in ethnic and racial diversity. As the demand for well-qualified geoscientists increases, it is essential for our community to broaden ...
Translating Research into Practice Through the Geoscience Alliance POSTER SESSION
Tuesday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Nievita Bueno Watts, Purdue University-Main Campus

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How can we increase the number of Native Americans trained in the Earth and Environmental Sciences? Indigenous peoples are already feeling the effects of a changing climate on lifeways. Tribal leaders want ...
Fostering Student Interest and Motivation in the Classroom AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Wednesday 1:30pm-4:00pm Gordon: Overture Meeting Room

Jane Russell, University of Iowa

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Do you want students to participate actively in discussion, prepare for class, and become responsible learners? Student interest and motivation are critical to initiate and sustain engagement. Session participants ...
GeoNeeds: Broadening Participation in the Geosciences Workforce WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8:30am-11:30am Red Gym: Masley Media Room

Dave Mogk, Montana State University-Bozeman
Heather Petcovic, Western Michigan University

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This workshop is for faculty and administrators who would like to build or expand opportunities for students to engage with the geosciences (atmospheric and climate science, engineering geoscience, geology, ...
Successful Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Geoscience Majors PANEL DISCUSSION
Thursday 1:30pm-2:45pm Gordon: Symphony Meeting Room

Randall Richardson, The University of Arizona
Suzanne O'Connell, Wesleyan University
Heather Petcovic, Western Michigan University
Eric Baer, Highline Community College

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With an aging geoscience workforce, employment opportunities in the geosciences remain robust, creating a demand for workers prepared as undergraduate majors in the geosciences. At the same time, participation of ...
Developing InTeGrated Curriculum for Upper Division Courses in Earth Sciences POSTER SESSION
Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Cindy Shellito, University of Northern Colorado
William Hoyt, University of Northern Colorado
Graham Baird, University of Northern Colorado
Joe Elkins, University of Northern Colorado

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The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science at the University of Northern Colorado is presently serving as an InTeGrate implementation site. Our focus is on promoting recruitment and retention in the Earth ...
Programs supporting Native American STEM learning created by the National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics POSTER SESSION
Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Diana Dalbotten, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

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Since 2002, the National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics has collaborated to develop programs aimed at supporting Native American participation in STEM fields, and especially in the Earth and Environmental ...
Growing the geoscience community through experiential learning activities with non-geoscience majors POSTER SESSION
Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Kelly Lazar, Clemson University
Stephen Moysey, East Carolina University
Cindy M. Lee, Clemson University
Mark A. Schlautman, Clemson University
John Wagner, Clemson University
scott brame, Clemson University
Patricia Carbajales-Dale, Clemson University

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Increasing the number of students intending to pursue a geoscience-related career path is critical to building a strong geoscience workforce. By providing opportunities for both Geology majors and non-majors to ...
A Departmental Open House for Increased Engagement and Recruiting of General Education Geoscience Students POSTER SESSION
Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Rebecca Freeman, University of Kentucky
Sean Bemis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ
Frank R. Ettensohn, University of Kentucky
Peter Idstein, University of Kentucky
Kevin Yeager, University of Kentucky

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The University of Kentucky Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences teaches several 100-level courses, primarily for non-science majors. These large-enrollment courses are taught in large lecture halls that ...
Alumni Narratives on Computational Geology(Spring 1997 - Fall 2013) POSTER SESSION
Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Victor Ricchezza, Georgia State University
Len Vacher, University of South Florida

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"A Course in Geological-Mathematical Problem Solving" (Vacher, JGE v.48 i.4 p.478-481, 2000), describes a course (GLY 4866: Computational Geology) which has been evolving at USF for nearly 20 years. In ...
Geo-Needs: A Synthesized Ideal Model for Broadening Participation in the Geosciences at Two-Year and Minority-Serving Institutions POSTER SESSION
Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Andrew Bentley, University of Northern Colorado
Heather Petcovic, Western Michigan University
Xai Her, Northern Illinois University
Sheldon Turner, Triton College
Nicole LaDue, Northern Illinois University
Dave Mogk, Montana State University-Bozeman
Tina Cartwright, Marshall University

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Employment opportunities in the geosciences are rapidly expanding, yet underrepresented minorities continue to make up ~8% of the geoscience-related workforce. Our project focuses specifically on the lack of ...
SAGE 2YC: Two-Year College Geoscience Faculty as Change Agents POSTER SESSION
Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Eric Baer, Highline Community College
Norlene Emerson, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Jan Hodder, University of Oregon
Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary
John McDaris, Carleton College

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The SAGE 2YC project is building a national network of self-sustaining local communities of two-year college (2YC) faculty, including adjunct instructors, from a broad range of geoscience fields including geology, ...
Recruiting, Retention, Diversity & Teaching About Climate Change ORAL SESSION
Friday 1:30pm-4:00pm Weeks Geo: AB20

Carrie Nelms, University of Arkansas Main Campus
David Reed, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Skip to Main ContentSkip to Navigation Login Earth Educators' RendezvousMadison, WI July 18-22, 2016 View the Program | Search the Program ...
Student interest in science during the transition from K-12 to college and after taking a single science course
Friday 1:30pm Weeks Geo: AB20

David Reed, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Emily Kaplita, Dickinson College
David A. McKenzie, Emporia State University
Rachel Jones, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
Mark Lyford, University of Wyoming

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Students often enter college with preconceived notions about science. Certain misconceptions, coupled with a potential for a limited number of science classes during college for non-science majors, can make ...
Drawing Diverse Students into your Class
Friday 1:45pm Weeks Geo: AB20

John McDaris, Carleton College
Cathy Manduca, Carleton College

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Broadening the diversity of students learning about the Earth is of fundamental importance if society is to meet the resource and environmental challenges facing it. The perspectives of groups traditionally ...
Student Interest is the Strongest Determinant of Success in Introductory College Courses Related to Environmental Science
Friday 2:00pm Weeks Geo: AB20

Nick Balster, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Melanie Spero, California Institute of Technology

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This study examined how student background impacts learning by assessing four predictive aspects of academic performance in environmental science college courses: student interest in environmental science previous ...
Ethnogeology, to Inform Place-Based and Culturally Inclusive Geoscience Teaching
Friday 2:15pm Weeks Geo: AB20

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Ethnogeology is the scientific study of human relationships with (including systems of knowledge related to) the Earth system, typically conducted in the context of a specific community or culture, such as an ...