How to Increase Diversity in Geoscience Programs

Tuesday 1:30pm-2:45pm Gordon: Concerto Meeting Room
Panel Discussion


Steven Semken, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Stefany Sit, University of Illinois at Chicago
Suki Smaglik, Laramie County Community College
Gary Weissmann, University of New Mexico-Main Campus (Moderator)

Of all the STEM disciplines, the geosciences ranks among the lowest in ethnic and racial diversity. As the demand for well-qualified geoscientists increases, it is essential for our community to broaden participation, widening the range of perspectives that can address future global and societal challenges. This panel will discuss methods that foster inclusive learning environments, promote societal, local, and career relevance, and support the whole student. We will present examples of how to use these strategies at different institutions (2YC and 4YC) and across demographics (tribal and urban communities). Please join us for this panel if you are interested in discussing strategies and resources that promote diversity in the geosciences.

Panel discussion slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 25.4MB Jul19 16)


Workforce and Careers