Theme: Geoscience Education Research

The programming listed below seeks to address the topic of Geoscience Education Research.

Geoscience Education Research Community Planning Workshop WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30am-11:30am Gordon: Concerto Meeting Room

Kristen St. John, James Madison University
Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary
karen mcneal, Auburn University Main Campus

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The Geoscience Education Research (GER) Community Planning workshop will serve as a forum for discussion by the GER community on what is most needed to support current and future geoscience education researchers. ...
Integrating Sustainability: Adapting InTeGrate Modules for Sustainability Pathway courses to Engage Students in Societal Issues at CSU, Chico ORAL SESSION
Monday 1:45pm Weeks Geo: 140

Rachel Teasdale, California State University-Chico
Colleen Hatfield, California State University-Chico
Bruce Grelle, American Geophysical Union
Janine Stone, California State University-Chico
Eric Willard, California State University-Chico
Lee Altier, California State University-Chico
Don Hankins, California State University-Chico
Philip Clements, California State University-Chico

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The Integrate Sustainability project at CSU, Chico is a collective effort of eight faculty to incorporate InTeGrate curriculum in lower and upper division courses in a GE Pathway focused on Sustainability. Online ...
Correlations between Teacher Preparation and Conceptual Understanding in the Earth Sciences
Monday 1:45pm Weeks Geo: AB20

Russ Colson, Minnesota State University-Moorhead
Karl Leonard, Minnesota State University-Moorhead

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Teachers of earth science in Minnesota and North Dakota have a wide range of preparational backgrounds. To provide insight into factors influencing preparation, we have administered an essay test to inservice and ...
Leveraging K-12 principal training and evaluation standards to support environmental, ecological and sustainability education in public schools: An example of Policy Analysis in GER
Monday 2:00pm Weeks Geo: AB20

Anthony Feig, Central Michigan University
Rodolfo Rincones, University of Texas at El Paso

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Policy analysis is the process of understanding 1) the most effective means for accomplishing a goal within a given policy framework, and 2) how policies and goals relate. In this study, the goal is to establish a ...
A Case of High School Earth and Space Science in the Great Plains
Monday 2:15pm Weeks Geo: AB20

Elizabeth Lewis, University of Nebraska at Lincoln

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While U.S. high school students' access to Earth and space science (ESS) varies widely from state to state, nationally ESS content is the most neglected area of science education. States are in the process of ...
Opportunities and motivations for cultivating Earth and sustainability literacy in future teachers
Monday 2:45pm Weeks Geo: AB20

Anne Egger, Central Washington University
Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Valentina Mara, Columbia University in the City of New York

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In an effort to infuse sustainability and Earth literacy across the undergraduate curriculum, InTeGrate has developed instructional materials for implementation in several types of courses. One of the target ...
A Pilot Study of Spatial Thinking for Meteorology Education POSTER SESSION
Tuesday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Peggy McNeal, Towson University
Todd Ellis, Western Michigan University
Heather Petcovic, Western Michigan University

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The important role of spatial thinking in STEM education is established, yet minimally applied to meteorology education and the study of atmospheric sciences. Weather forecasting, involving hand plotting of ...
Evaluation of Field-based Service Learning in Sustainability Courses POSTER SESSION
Tuesday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

William Forbes, Stephen F Austin State University

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This poster presents evaluation of field-based learning in courses within the Sustainable Community Development program at Stephen F. Austin State University. Course fieldwork includes: citizen restoration of an ...
Translating Research into Practice Through the Geoscience Alliance POSTER SESSION
Tuesday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Nievita Bueno Watts, Purdue University-Main Campus

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How can we increase the number of Native Americans trained in the Earth and Environmental Sciences? Indigenous peoples are already feeling the effects of a changing climate on lifeways. Tribal leaders want ...
Research on student conceptions of plate tectonics - implications for instruction POSTER SESSION
Tuesday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Tanya Furman, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Scott McDonald, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Helen Gall, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Kathryn Bateman, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Arzu Tanis Ozcelik, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Aubree Webb, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus

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The NSF-funded Earth and Space Science Partnership at Penn State has been designing, conducting and assessing research into student learning of plate tectonics and solar system astronomy (two critical ideas for ...
Assessment of Impact in Student Learning in Physical Geology using Learning Assistants. POSTER SESSION
Tuesday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Julia Nord, George Mason University

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The University of Colorado at Boulder Learning Assistant (LA) program has been shown to be very successful in increasing grades and engaging students in large lecture classes, increasing retention in sciences and ...
Student Learning of Complex Earth Systems, Part I: Conceptual Frameworks of Earth Systems and Instructional Design POSTER SESSION
Tuesday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Hannah Scherer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ
Lauren Holder, Texas A & M University
Bruce Herbert, Texas A & M University

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Engaging students in authentic problem solving concerning environmental issues in near surface complex earth systems involves both developing student conceptualization of the earth as a system and applying that ...
Measuring Student Learning Gains and attitudes in Earth and Environmental class for pre-service teachers after additional assignment to rocks and mineral identification lab POSTER SESSION
Tuesday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Matthew Schmus, Wright State University-Main Campus
Rebecca Teed, Wright State University-Main Campus

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Our goal as geosciences educators is to increase student learning and facilitate positive attitudes towards Earth science. This study measures the effects of a student project in Earth and Environmental Science ...
This equation hurts my brain: Math Anxiety & Geoscience Students
Wednesday 1:30pm Weeks Geo: 140

Rachel Headley, Albertson College of Idaho
Allison Liegler, University of Wisconsin-Parkside

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Math anxiety involves moderate to extreme fear, anxiety, and occasionally physical pain associated with anticipating or performing mathematical tasks. High levels of math phobia have been tied to students taking ...
Student Learning of Complex Earth Systems, Part II: Student Engagement in Problem Solving & Decision Making About Environmental Issues
Wednesday 1:30pm Weeks Geo: AB20

Lauren Holder, Texas A & M University
Hannah Scherer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ
Bruce Herbert, Texas A & M University

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Engaging students in authentic problem solving concerning environmental issues in near surface complex earth systems involves both developing student conceptualization of the earth as a system and applying that ...
Using confidence judgements to identify characteristics of students' metacognitive awareness and achievement in introductory geoscience courses
Wednesday 1:45pm Weeks Geo: AB20

Jason Jones, North Carolina State University
David McConnell, North Carolina State University

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Metacognition is one's ability to recognize the workings and characteristics of their own knowledge and thought processes. In conjunction with the sensory, short-term, and long-term memories, a student's ...
Curriculum Design Patterns for Teaching with Authentic Geoscience Data
Wednesday 2:00pm Weeks Geo: AB20

Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Ruth Krumhansl, Education Development Center

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A "design pattern" is a template for organizing and sequencing instruction that can be applied across multiple topics or concepts. For example, "think-pair-share" is a familiar and trusted ...
Impact of classroom transformation on gender inequality in DFW rates ("D" or "F" grade or Withdraw)
Wednesday 2:15pm Weeks Geo: AB20

Jennifer Roberts, University of Kansas Main Campus
Noah McLean, University of Kansas Main Campus
Gregory Baker, Colorado Mesa University
Andreas Möller, University of Kansas Main Campus

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Implementation of engaged learning practices into geoscience classes affords students many advantages, including increased learning & performance, better retention of material, and reduction in achievement ...
Geology in the Field: Assessing and Redesigning Field Courses to Improve Student Learning in the Geology Program at CSU, Chico
Wednesday 3:00pm Weeks Geo: AB20

Rachel Teasdale, California State University-Chico
Hannah Aird, California State University-Chico
Todd Greene, California State University-Chico
Ann Bykerk-Kauffman, California State University-Chico
Russell Shapiro, California State University-Chico

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A suite of three required field courses at CSU, Chico provides early and repeated exposure to field experiences throughout the junior and senior year of geology majors. Five faculty members teach the suite of ...
An Inexpensive, Faculty-led School-Wide Undergraduate Course Transformation
Wednesday 3:30pm Weeks Geo: AB20

Barbara Bruno, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Sarah Bean Sherman, University of British Columbia
Sara Harris, University of British Columbia

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Efforts to fundamentally transform undergraduate geoscience instruction at a school-wide level are generally institutionally driven and supported. For example, the Carl Weiman Science Education Initiative (CWSEI), ...
Research at the Interface of DBER and Cognitive Science WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8:30am-11:30am Gordon: Symphony Meeting Room

Tim Shipley, Temple University
David Uttal, Northwestern University
Martina Rau, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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The workshop aims to strengthen ties between the cognitive science and Geoscience education communities. The first day will include presentations by cognitive scientists who have expertise in education research ...
Getting Started in GER: Designing an Effective Geoscience Education Research Protocol WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8:30am-11:30am Weeks Geo: 140

David McConnell, North Carolina State University
Doug Czajka, Utah Valley University
LeeAnna Chapman, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Jason Jones, North Carolina State University

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This workshop will discuss the components of some common types of both qualitative and quantitative geoscience education research. We will discuss potential collaborations among participants who are interested in ...
How geoscience faculty learn about improving their teaching practice: Lessons from ten years of interviews POSTER SESSION
Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Ellen Iverson, Carleton College

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Recent studies about STEM faculty change strategies critique the uneven evidence of success for faculty development programs (Smith et al., 2014; Henderson, Beach, & Finkelstein, 2011). Evaluation of such ...
Alumni Narratives on Computational Geology(Spring 1997 - Fall 2013) POSTER SESSION
Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Victor Ricchezza, Georgia State University
Len Vacher, University of South Florida

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"A Course in Geological-Mathematical Problem Solving" (Vacher, JGE v.48 i.4 p.478-481, 2000), describes a course (GLY 4866: Computational Geology) which has been evolving at USF for nearly 20 years. In ...
Geo-Needs: A Synthesized Ideal Model for Broadening Participation in the Geosciences at Two-Year and Minority-Serving Institutions POSTER SESSION
Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Andrew Bentley, University of Northern Colorado
Heather Petcovic, Western Michigan University
Xai Her, Northern Illinois University
Sheldon Turner, Triton College
Nicole LaDue, Northern Illinois University
Dave Mogk, Montana State University-Bozeman
Tina Cartwright, Marshall University

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Employment opportunities in the geosciences are rapidly expanding, yet underrepresented minorities continue to make up ~8% of the geoscience-related workforce. Our project focuses specifically on the lack of ...
SAGE 2YC: Two-Year College Geoscience Faculty as Change Agents POSTER SESSION
Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Eric Baer, Highline Community College
Norlene Emerson, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Jan Hodder, University of Oregon
Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary
John McDaris, Carleton College

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The SAGE 2YC project is building a national network of self-sustaining local communities of two-year college (2YC) faculty, including adjunct instructors, from a broad range of geoscience fields including geology, ...
Student Learning Gains from Peer Lectures versus Instructor Lectures POSTER SESSION
Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Alysa Remsburg, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Student presentations to the class are common in college classrooms for many reasons, but faculty often wonder whether listening to other students present is effective use of class time. When student group ...
An Eye-tracking Study on Expert/Novice Differences During Climate Graph Reading Tasks: Implications for Climate Communication POSTER SESSION
Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym

Rachel Atkins, North Carolina State University
karen mcneal, Auburn University Main Campus
Sarah Luginbuhl, North Carolina State University

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The communication of climate change is often a difficult task due to the interdisciplinary nature of the topic in addition to the challenges of communicating these topics with their intended audiences. Two aspects ...
Student interest in science during the transition from K-12 to college and after taking a single science course
Friday 1:30pm Weeks Geo: AB20

David Reed, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Emily Kaplita, Dickinson College
David A. McKenzie, Emporia State University
Rachel Jones, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
Mark Lyford, University of Wyoming

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Students often enter college with preconceived notions about science. Certain misconceptions, coupled with a potential for a limited number of science classes during college for non-science majors, can make ...
What experiences influence the teaching beliefs of future geoscience professors?
Friday 1:45pm Weeks Geo: 140

LeeAnna Chapman, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
David McConnell, North Carolina State University

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Today's graduate students and post-docs will become tomorrow's future professors. The pedagogical beliefs of instructors impact how they structure their courses and whether they choose to use ...
Student Interest is the Strongest Determinant of Success in Introductory College Courses Related to Environmental Science
Friday 2:00pm Weeks Geo: AB20

Nick Balster, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Melanie Spero, California Institute of Technology

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This study examined how student background impacts learning by assessing four predictive aspects of academic performance in environmental science college courses: student interest in environmental science previous ...
Ethnogeology, to Inform Place-Based and Culturally Inclusive Geoscience Teaching
Friday 2:15pm Weeks Geo: AB20

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Ethnogeology is the scientific study of human relationships with (including systems of knowledge related to) the Earth system, typically conducted in the context of a specific community or culture, such as an ...
Learning So Fast You'll Freak: The Effect of Immersion on Online Learning Success
Friday 2:30pm Weeks Geo: 140

Mike Brudzinski, Miami University-Oxford
Stefany Sit, University of Illinois at Chicago

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We investigate the impact of a compressed, immersive teaching format on student learning in online courses based on a validated measure of learning outcomes. This study focuses on larger enrollment (50+) ...
Enhancing Student Understanding of Course Concepts: Integration of Service Learning in Online Geoscience Courses
Friday 2:45pm Weeks Geo: 140

Jennifer Nelson, Purdue University-Main Campus
Sarah Goss, Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis
Danielle Follette, Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis

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Engaging college students in service learning (SL) improves students' ability to apply course concepts to "real-world" examples, and it is well documented that participation in service learning has ...
Environmental Communicators: Bridging the Attitude-Behavioral Gap in the Science of Science Communication
Friday 2:45pm Weeks Geo: AB20

Carrie Nelms, University of Arkansas Main Campus

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"The science of climate change is not 'a problem' waiting for 'a solution,' rather, it is an environmental, cultural and political phenomenon which is re-shaping the way we should think ...
Developing synchronous team-based learning via Google Earth in a fully-online "natural disasters" introductory general education Earth Science course
Friday 3:00pm Weeks Geo: 140

Gregory Baker, Colorado Mesa University
Jennifer Roberts, University of Kansas Main Campus

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In the current environment of classroom transformations, difficulties remain for pedagogical advancement in online courses. In particular, moving away from the textbook/exam style into any alternatives ...
Eye-Tracking Assessment of the Usability of a Web-based Climate Decision-making Tool Used by Forestry Stakeholders in the Southeastern US
Friday 3:15pm Weeks Geo: 140

Lindsay Maudlin, North Carolina State University
karen mcneal, Auburn University Main Campus
Ryan Boyles, North Carolina State University
Heather Dinon Aldridge, North Carolina State University
Corey Davis, North Carolina State University
Rachel Atkins, North Carolina State University

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This work uses eye tracking to assess the usability of the web-based climate decision-making tool developed by the Pine Integrated Network: Education, Mitigation, and Adaptation project (PINEMAP), PINEMAP Decision ...