Theme: Professional Development for Undergrads, Grads and Faculty
The programming listed below seeks to address the topic of Professional Development for Undergrads, Grads and Faculty.
- Course Resources
- Curriculum Design
- Developing Geocompetencies
- Geoscience Education Research
- Implementing InTeGrate
- Online Education
- Professional Development for Undergrads, Grads and Faculty
- Program Design
- Recruiting, Retention, Diversity
- Research for Undergrads
- Student Learning
- Teacher Preparation, Professional Development and Policy Issues
- Teaching About Climate Change
Preparing for an Academic Career
Ankur Desai, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lisa Gilbert, Cabrillo College
Lynsey LeMay, Virginia Peninsula Community College
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David Reed, University of Wisconsin-Madison
This workshop is designed specifically for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and others who are interested in pursuing academic careers in the geosciences. Workshop leaders will provide guidance and ...
Flipping your Class: What to leave out, what to add in
Jennifer Roberts, University of Kansas Main Campus
Gregory Baker, Colorado Mesa University
Many well-respected groups and associated faculty have tackled the issues of Earth science classroom transformation through decades of research and application. Today, many significant pedagogical advances to the ...
Does it Take Two to Tango? Interdisciplinary Teaching Solo and in Teams
Catherine Riihimaki, 2NDNATURE Software
Lisa Gilbert, Cabrillo College
Real-world problems related to Earth science are typically interdisciplinary, yet interdisciplinary teaching creates the unique challenge of accurately and fully capturing the complexities of multiple disciplines, ...
What are the Components of a Successful NSF Proposal?
Basil Tikoff, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Julie Newman, Texas A & M University
This session is for those who anticipate submission of NSF proposals for disciplinary research and/or geoscience educational proposals. This workshop is from the perspective of someone who submits proposals to ...
Instructor Stories About Reforming Teaching Practice
Karen Viskupic, Boise State University
Christopher Berg, Orange Coast College
Cody Kirkpatrick, Indiana University-Bloomington
Ellen Iverson, Carleton College
Summary Meetings like the Rendezvous can provide lots of inspiration to instructors to make changes in their teaching. However, back home, after the excitement of the meeting has faded, there are many challenges ...
Succeeding in Your Transition to Faculty Life with Support of the Community and Resources on the SERC Website
David Huyck, Carleton College
Monica Bruckner, Carleton College
Sean Fox, Carleton College
If you are just beginning, or are about to begin, a career as a faculty member, you are probably wondering how to balance teaching, research, and other demands on your time, so that you can succeed without having ...
Teaching our TAs: enhancing educational training for geoscience graduate students
Dana Thomas, City of Austin
As teaching assistants (TAs), graduate students are often the primary resource in a classroom and serve as the communication gateway between students and instructors. Importantly, they may later become ...
Communicating your Craft: Strengthening Recognition for your Teaching
Krista Herbstrith, Carleton College
Effective pedagogy and high-quality research are crucial for student success. While traditionally it has been easier to gain recognition for research, both require outreach and dissemination strategies that can ...
How geoscience faculty learn about improving their teaching practice: Lessons from ten years of interviews
Ellen Iverson, Carleton College
Recent studies about STEM faculty change strategies critique the uneven evidence of success for faculty development programs (Smith et al., 2014; Henderson, Beach, & Finkelstein, 2011). Evaluation of such ...
Professional Development for Undergrads, Grads and Faculty & Online Education
Kyle Fredrick, Pennsylvania Western University - California
Mike Brudzinski, Miami University-Oxford
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Earth Educators' RendezvousMadison, WI July 18-22, 2016
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Overcoming the Obstacles to Teaching Reform
Sara Harris, University of British Columbia
Transitions to evidence-based, student-centered teaching can involve practical, human, and system-level challenges. How do we transform our own teaching practices, and also develop critical mass to change cultural ...
Formally Integrating Professional Development into the Curriculum: A Required Course for Undergraduates
Kyle Fredrick, Pennsylvania Western University - California
Fear is a powerful motivator. We often use this to our advantage as teachers and advisors of undergraduate students. But when students are not cognizant of the expectations they'll need to meet in the ...
What experiences influence the teaching beliefs of future geoscience professors?
LeeAnna Chapman, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
David McConnell, North Carolina State University
Today's graduate students and post-docs will become tomorrow's future professors. The pedagogical beliefs of instructors impact how they structure their courses and whether they choose to use ...
Developing Your Professional Network through the National Association Of Geoscience Teachers
Erica Zweifel, Carleton College
Developing your professional network has multiple professional and personal benefits; from expanding your influence and professional capacity to exploring and sharing teaching techniques. The National Association ...