Initial Publication Date: January 26, 2009


Each participant in this workshop was asked to write a short essay that describes how their department currently assesses its programs. They have also been invited to share assessment instruments, mission or vision statements, student learning goals or outcomes statements, departmental assessment plans, and instructions to external reviewers. Follow the links below to read these essays and other contributions. You can also download the complete set of essays (Acrobat (PDF) 1.6MB Feb24 09).


Heather Macdonald ( This site may be offline. ) , College of William and Mary
Cathy Manduca, Director, Science Education Resource Center
Mary Savina , Carleton College
Mission/Vision Statement: Carleton Geology Mission/Vision Statement
Student Learning Goals/Outcomes: Goals, Skills, and Experiences for the Carleton Geology Major
Instrument: Questionnaire for Alums Attending Graduate School
Assessment Plan: Carleton Geology Department Draft Assessment Plan (Acrobat (PDF) 99kB Feb4 09)
Institutional Guidelines for Review: Carleton College Guidelines for Departmental and Program Reviews (Acrobat (PDF) 31kB Feb9 09)


Carol Ormand, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College
Linda Goozen, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College

Invited Speakers

Ross Miller, American Association of Colleges and Universities

Workshop Participants

Dirk Baron, California State University - Bakersfield
Essay: Current Assessment of the Geology Programs at California State University, Bakersfield
Mission/Vision Statement: CSU-Bakersfield Geology Mission Statement
Program Assessment: CSU-Bakersfield Geology Programs Assessment, (Microsoft Word 1.1MB Feb12 09) from the most recent 5-year review
John Bartley, Muskegon Community College
Essay: Assessment of Student Learning in the Geology Program at Muskegon Community College
Instruments: MCC Class/Course Assessment Form * MCC Classroom Assessment Template
Margaret Boorstein, C.W. Post College of Long Island University
Essay: Outcomes Assessment in the Earth and Environmental Science Department of C.W. Post College of Long Island University
Instrument: C.W. Post Assessment form relating goals, outcomes, outcomes measures, and data to changes in curriculum or plans of study
Assessment Plan: CWPCLIU Earth and Environmental Science Department Assessment Plan (Acrobat (PDF) 95kB Feb12 09)
Ann Bykerk-Kauffman, California State University - Chico
Essay: A Brief History of Program Assessment
Mission/Vision Statement: CSU-Chico Geological and Environmental Sciences Mission/Vision Statement
Student Learning Outcomes: CSU-Chico Geology Student Learning Outcomes
Instruments: CSU-Chico Graduating Senior Exit Survey * Rubric for Evaluating Student Work in a Field Course * CSU-Chico Field Camp Report Rubric
Karen Rose Cercone, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Essay: Student Outcomes Assessment at IUP
Instruments: IUP Senior Research Presentation Rubric and IUP Alumni Survey
Assessment Plans: Preliminary Assessment Plan (2004-05) (Microsoft Word 31kB Feb5 09) * Finalized Assessment Plan (2005-06) (Microsoft Word 33kB Feb5 09) * Detailed Assessment Plan (2007) (Microsoft Word 58kB Feb5 09) * Concise Assessment Plan (2008) (Microsoft Word 36kB Feb5 09)
Cinzia Cervato, Iowa State University
Essay: Student Assessment and Departmental Reviews
Student Learning Outcomes: ISU Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Outcomes Assessment Matrix (Acrobat (PDF) 25kB Feb4 09)
Instruments: ISU Alumni Survey and Graduating Seniors Survey and Self-Assessment
Instructions to Reviewers: Letter to External Reviewers (Microsoft Word 23kB Feb3 09)
Cameron Davidson, Carleton College
Essay: Assessing the Senior Thesis at Carleton College: Strategies and Concerns
Dave Dempsey, San Francisco State University
Essay: An Attempt at Assessment and Evaluation Using Portfolios
Student Learning Goals/Outcomes: SFSU Geoscience Student Learning Goals
John Geissman, University of New Mexico
Essay: Outcomes Assessment in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, UNM
Student Learning Goals/Outcomes: UNM Student Learning Goals and Outcomes for BS, MS, and PhD programs
Assessment Plans: Assessment Plan, BS, Earth and Planetary Sciences (Microsoft Word 72kB Feb16 09) * Assessment Plan, BS, Environmental Sciences (Microsoft Word 71kB Feb16 09) * Assessment Plan, MS, Earth and Planetary Sciences (Microsoft Word 71kB Feb16 09) * Assessment Plan, PhD, Earth and Planetary Sciences (Microsoft Word 70kB Feb16 09)
Leila Gonzales, American Geological Institute

Nathan Grawe, Carleton College
Instrument: Rubric for Evaluating Quantitative Reasoning in Student Writing
Nelson Ham, St. Norbert College
Essay: St. Norbert College Geology Department Overview and Assessment
Instrument: Survey of Field Camp Directors
William Hart, Miami University
Essay: Assessing a Mid-Sized Baccalaureate Through Doctoral Department
Mission/Vision Statement: Miami University Geology Mission Statements
Student Learning Outcomes: Miami University Geology Student Learning Outcomes
Instruments: Exit Surveys and Alumni Surveys * Annual Department Report * Capstone Field Mapping Rubric
Departmental Self-Study: Miami University Department of Geology Self-Study Report, 2003 (Acrobat (PDF) 1.3MB Feb9 09)
Mark Hemphill-Haley, Humboldt State University
Essay: Assessment at Humboldt State University, Department of Geology
Mission/Vision Statement: Humboldt State Geology Mission Statement
Student Learning Goals: Humboldt State Geology Student Learning Goals
Instruments: End of Semester Course Evaluation * Senior Thesis Rubric * Alumni Survey
Department Self-Study: Humboldt State Geology 2004 Self-Assessment Program Review (Microsoft Word 1005kB Feb12 09)
Assessment Result Excerpt: Humboldt State Geology 2007 Assessment of One Learning Outcome (Acrobat (PDF) 205kB Mar4 09)
Darrell Henry, Louisiana State University
Essay: Assessment of Academic Programs: Some Observations
Instrument: Oral Presentation Rubric
Beverly Johnson, Bates College
Instrument: Rubric for Evaluating Senior Research
George Kipphut, Murray State University
Essay: History and Observations on Assessing Geoscience Programs at MSU
Mission/Vision Statement: Murray State Geology Mission Statement
Assessment Plan: Murray State University Environmental Geology Program Assessment Plan (Microsoft Word 33kB Feb12 09)
Steve Lundblad, University of Hawaii at Hilo
Essay: Assessment at the University of Hawaii-Hilo
Mission/Vision Statement: UH-Hilo Geology Mission Statement
Student Learning Goals: UH-Hilo Geology Student Learning Goals
Instrument: Alumni Survey
Susan McGeary, University of Delaware
Student Learning Goals Synthesis: A synthesis of 10 different institutions' geoscience learning goals (Microsoft Word 21kB Feb24 09)
Allen McGrew, University of Dayton
Essay: Assessment in the Geology Department at the University of Dayton
Instrument: UD Geology Exit Interview
Planning Document: Measures Under Consideration for University of Dayton Geology Department Assessment Plan (Microsoft Word 120kB Mar4 09)
Charlotte Mehrtens, University of Vermont
Essay: Assessment in the UVM Geology Department
Mission/Vision Statement: University of Vermont Geology Mission/Vision Statement
Student Learning Outcomes: University of Vermont Geology Student Learning Outcomes
Instruments: Geology Course Evaluation * Assessment of Geology Major Programs * Lab Grading Rubric * Lab Portfolio Rubric
Stephen Moshier, Wheaton College
Essay: A Brief History of Assessing Geology at Wheaton College
Mission/Vision Statement: Wheaton Geology and Environmental Science Mission/Vision statement
Student Learning Outcomes: Wheaton Geology and Environmental Science Learning Outcomes
Assessment Plan: Wheaton Geology Assessment Plan (Acrobat (PDF) 56kB Feb19 09)
Curriculum: Wheaton College Geology and Environmental Science Curriculum
Department Self-Study Procedures: Excerpts from the Wheaton College Academic Department Self-Study Procedures Manual (Microsoft Word 39kB Feb12 09)
(Note: The Ten Year Review is a Departmental Self Study that seeks input from a variety of constituents includes a visit by external examiners and a final report authored by one of the external reviewers.)
Eric Peterson, Illinois State University
Essay: Assessment of Geography/Geology at Illinois State University
Mission/Vision Statement: ISU Geology Mission Statement
Student Learning Goals and Outcomes: ISU Student Learning Goals and Outcomes
Instruments: ISU Exit Interview * Capstone Project Description and Rubric
Eric Pyle, James Madison University
Essay: Assessment in the Context of Evaluation at James Madison University
Student Learning Goals: JMU Student Learning Goals and Objectives
Instrument: [link / 'JMU Performance Assessment for Majors']
Sheila Roberts, Bowling Green State University
Essay: Summary of Graduate and Undergraduate Assessment Plans for the Department of Geology at BGSU
Mission/Vision Statement: BGSU Geology Mission Statement
Student Learning Outcomes: BGSU Geology Student Learning Outcomes (Undergraduate and Masters Students)
Instruments: BGSU Masters Thesis Defense Evaluation Rubric and BGSU Alumni Survey
Carol Rutz, Carleton College
Instrument: Student Writing Portfolio
Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, North Dakota State University
Essay: NDSU Geosciences Assessment of Student Learning
Assessment Plan: NDSU Geosciences Draft Assessment Plan (Microsoft Word 67kB Feb12 09)
Dale Sawyer, Rice University
Essay: Program Assessment Experiences
Assessment Plan: Rice University Earth Science Learning Outcomes and Assessment Plans (Acrobat (PDF) 2.2MB Feb20 09)
LeeAnn Srogi, West Chester University
Essay: Meaningful, Informative, Simple: The Elusive Goals of Program Assessment at West Chester University of PA
Mission/Vision Statement: West Chester Geology & Astronomy Mission Statement
Student Learning Outcomes: West Chester Geology & Astronomy Student Learning Outcomes
Instruments: Student Self-Assessment Survey * Student Survey for General Education Courses * Student Research Rubric
Assessment Plans: West Chester University Assessment Plan for B.S.Ed. Earth & Space Science (Microsoft Word 547kB Feb12 09) * West Chester University Draft Assessment Plan for B.S. in Geoscience (Microsoft Word 51kB Feb12 09) * West Chester University Assessment Plan for General Education Courses (Microsoft Word 37kB Feb12 09)
Cathy Summa, Winona State University
Essay: Winona State University Geoscience Program Assessment: Our 
Student Learning Outcomes: Winona State Geoscience Student Learning Outcomes
Curriculum: Winona State BA Geoscience Curriculum
Instrument: Annual Exam
Institutional Guidelines for Review: Winona State University Institutional Regulation on Program Review (Acrobat (PDF) 65kB Feb12 09)
Karen Viskupic, Boise State University
Essay: Assessment in the Department of Geosciences, Boise State University
Student Learning Goals: Boise State Geosciences, Geophysics, and Earth Science Education Student Learning Goals
Instruments: Course Evaluation
Assessment Plans: Boise State Assessment Plan, BS in Geoscience (Microsoft Word 39kB Feb12 09) * Boise State Assessment Plan, BS in Geophysics (Microsoft Word 40kB Feb12 09) * Boise State Assessment Plan, BS in Earth Science Education (Microsoft Word 39kB Feb12 09)
Arlo Weil, Bryn Mawr College
Essay: How we Assess our Students, our Curriculum, and Ourselves
Mission/Vision Statement: Bryn Mawr Geology Mission Statement
Student Learning Goals/Outcomes: Bryn Mawr Geology Student Learning Goals
Michael Zieg, Slippery Rock University
Essay: Assessment in the Department of Geology, Geography and the Environment, Slippery Rock University
Assessment Plan: Slippery Rock Environmental Geoscience Program Assessment Plan (Microsoft Word 91kB Feb12 09) and the associated Degree Coherence Matrix (Microsoft Word 67kB Feb12 09) (the college's annual reporting instrument)