Initial Publication Date: April 13, 2015

Student Self-Assessment Survey

From the Geology & Astronomy Department at West Chester University


This survey assesses 3 student learning outcomes of B.S. and B.S.Ed. programs. The survey involves self-assessment by students of their awareness of, and opportunities to apply knowledge and skills; their participation and confidence in research activities; their awareness of and opportunities to provide geoscience knowledge or other services to the public; and their participation in volunteer or service-learning and other means of connecting professionally.


Survey has been administered in paper form to senior B.S.Ed. majors during class in student teaching practicum (their last semester); also administered to sophomore through senior-level students in Fall 2008, in paper form during a department seminar course. These methods will continue in future until we can reliably obtain data in electronic format.

Use of the Data

For B.S.Ed program it is part of data on program.
For B.S. program, this is first administration (Fall 2008). We will use it to assess student knowledge of and participation in opportunities in dept and after graduation, and longitudinal changes from sophomore-level through senior-level students. We can also track information about teamwork experiences, confidence in research, and participation in volunteer or service-learning activities. This information will guide us in evaluating the learning opportunities available to students and how these are or are not aiding their development as geoscientists and future teachers.


NA - too early.


Download the Survey for B.S. and B.S.Ed. program majors (Microsoft Word 67kB Feb12 09)