Strategies for Successful Recruitment of Geoscience Majors:
Conceptual Framework and Practical Suggestions
Saturday, October 27, 2007, 9:00 AM - 4:45 PM
Note: this workshop has already taken place. For more information, you can read this brief summary or go to the workshop program page, with links to presentations and additional resources.
Workshop Goals
To explore the issues that affect student recruitment in geoscience departments/programs and to identify strategies that can enhance recruitment initiatives in a range of contexts. Specifically, we aimed to:
- Identify and develop strategies/activities internal to the department/institution for recruiting geoscience majors/students.
- Identify and develop strategies/activities that reach beyond the department/institution for recruiting geoscience majors/students.
- Determine how scalable/transferable strategies are from one department/institution/setting to another.
- Identify measures of success. How do you know you are successful? How do you know your strategies/activities have affected recruitment?
- Develop (or improve existing) action plan specific to your department for recruiting geoscience majors/students.
Workshop Conveners
Carolyn Eyles - McMaster University
Randy Richardson - University of Arizona