Publications from On the Cutting Edge

Initial Publication Date: December 17, 2019

This list includes publications related to the professional development program, evaluation of the program, and funded research.

Under Review

Beane, R., Altermatt, E., Iverson, E. and Macdonald, R.H., accepted pending minor revisions. Design and Impact of the National Workshop for Early Career Geoscience Faculty. Journal of Geoscience Education.

Gamage, K., Macdonald, R.H., McFadden, R., Under Review. A comparison of self-reported teaching practices related to development of students' quantitative, data analysis, problem-solving, and communication skills in introductory geoscience courses at two-year colleges and four-year colleges. Journal of Geoscience Education.

McFadden, R., Viskupic, K., Egger, A., Under Review. Self-reported use of quantitative and data analysis skills in undergraduate geoscience courses. Journal of Geoscience Education.

Quardokus Fisher, K.. Under review. Characteristics and boundaries of the geoscience Education Community of practice. Journal for STEM Education Research.

Viskupic, K.; Egger, A.; McFadden, R.; Schmitz, M., Under Review. Investigating the practice of workforce skills in undergraduate geoscience courses. Journal of Geoscience Education.


Altermatt, E., Iverson, E., Beane, R., and Macdonald, R.H., (2019). Employing National Survey Responses to Assess the Efficacy of Workshops for Early Career Geoscience Faculty. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 51, No. 5, ISSN 0016-7592; doi: 10.1130/abs/2019AM-337335

Beane, R., (2019). Active Learning Via Earth Science Posters. In the Trenches: the news magazine of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers, Vol. 9, p. 10-12 with on-line supplement at

Beane, R., McNeal, K. and Macdonald, R. H. (2019). Probing the National Geoscience Faculty survey for reported use of education practices that support inclusive learning environments in undergraduate courses. Journal of Geoscience Education. (Published online July 2019) (Abstract)

Egger, A.E., Viskupic, K., and Iverson, E.R. (2019).Results of the National Geoscience Faculty Survey (2004-2016). (Acrobat (PDF) 5MB Dec4 19). National Association of Geoscience Teachers, Northfield, MN. 82 p.. Retrieved from

Egger, A. E. (2019). The Role of Introductory Geoscience Courses in Preparing Teachers—And All Students—For the Future: Are We Making the Grade?. GSA Today. (Abstract)

Lally, D., Forbes, C. T., McNeal, K. S., & Soltis, N. A. (2019). National Geoscience Faculty Survey 2016: Prevalence of systems thinking and scientific modeling learning opportunities. Journal of Geoscience Education, 67(2): 174-191. (Abstract)

Misener, M (2019). A terrain transformed: How On the Cutting Edge contributed to meaningful change in undergraduate geoscience. Retrieved from

Riihimaki, C. & Viskupic, K. (2019). Motivators and inhibitors to change: how and why do geoscience faculty modify their course content and teaching methods. Journal of Geoscience Education, In Press

Soltis, N. A., McNeal, K. S., Forbes, C. T. & Lally, D. (2019). The relationship between active learning, course innovation and teaching Earth system thinking: A structural equation modeling approach. Geosphere, In Press

Viskupic, Karen and Ryker, Katherine and Teasdale, Rachel and Manduca, Cathryn and Iverson, Ellen and Farthing, Dori and Bruckner, Monica Z. and McFadden, Rory, (2019). Classroom Observations Indicate the Positive Impacts of Discipline-Based Professional Development. Journal for STEM Education Research, doi:10.1007/s41979-019-00015-


Kastens, Kim, Manduca Cathryn, (2018). Leveraging the Power of a Community of Practice to Improve Teaching and Learning about the Earth. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, v.49, p. 14. doi:10.1080/00091383.2017.1398997


Beane, R., Macdonald, R., Allen-King, R., Hill, T., Ormand, C., Penniston-Dorland, S., Tewksbury, B., and Yuretich, R., (2017). Workshop for Early Career Geoscience Faculty: Teaching, Research and Managing One's Career. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 49, No. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-303496

Beane, R., (2017). Outcomes of Holistic Faculty Development. Invited presentation for the conference "How many hats do you wear: building research capacity for STEM faculty development" at Clemson University, February 2017.

Manduca, C., Iverson, E., Luxenberg, M., Macdonald, R.H., McConnell, D., Mogk, D., and Tewksbury, B., (2017). Improving undergraduate STEM education: The efficacy of discipline-based professional development. Science Advances. v.3, p. e1600193. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1600193

Teasdale, R., Viskupic, K., Bartley, J., McConnell, D., Manduca, C., Bruckner, M, Farthing D., and Iverson, E. (2017). A multidimensional assessment of reformed teaching practice in geoscience classrooms. Geosphere, v.13, p. 608. doi:


Iverson, E.R. (2016). How Geoscience Faculty Learn about Improving Their Teaching Practice: Lessons from Ten Years of Interviews. Earth Educators' Rendezvous, Madison, WI. (Abstract)

Iverson, E.R. (2016). Understanding the Factors that Support the Use of Active Learning Teaching in STEM Undergraduate Courses: Case Studies in the Field of Geoscience. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy, Abstract.

Manduca, Cathryn A., Macdonald, Heather, and Goodell, Laurel, (2016). Learning About Teaching: Geoscience Educators Share Insights. EOS, v.97, p. doi:10.10.


Beane, R.J., Hill, T.M., Macdonald, H., Tewksbury, B., Allen-King, R., and Yuretich, R., (2015). Workshop for Early Career Geoscience Faculty: Strategic Planning and Support at the Beginning of Academic Careers. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, no. 7.

Hill, T., Beane, R., Macdonald, H., Manduca, C., Tewksbury, B., Allen-King, R., Yuretich, R., Richardson, R., Mogk, D., and Ormand, C., (2015). Workshop for Early Career Geoscience Faculty: Providing Resources and Support for New Faculty to Succeed. American Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting, Abstract ED23A-0855.

Iverson, E., Bruckner, M., Larsen, K., Manduca, C., (2015) "Replicating the effects ongoing treatment through sustained networks: the Impact of the On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program for Geoscience Faculty (CE) on faculty learning about teaching," Earth Educators' Rendezvous, Boulder, CO (Abstract)


Kirk, Karin, B., Anne U. Gold, Tamara Shapiro Ledley, Susan Buhr Sullivan, Cathryn A. Manduca, David W. Mogk, and Katryn Wiese, (2014). Undergraduate Climate Education: Motivations, Strategies, Successes, and Support. Journal of Geoscience Education, Vol. 62, p. 538. doi:

Ryker, Katherine, Iverson, Ellen, Bruckner, Monica Z, Mcconnell, David, Manduca, Cathryn, and Larsen, Krista (2014). Connecting Beliefs To Action: How Geoscience Faculty Perceptions Of Their Professional Environment Impact Teaching, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 46, No 6.

Teasdale, Rachel, Cathryn Manduca, David Mcconnell, Julie Bartley, Monica Bruckner, Dori Farthing, Ellen Iverson, Karen Viskupic (2014). Observations of Undergraduate Geoscience Instruction in the US: Measuring Student Centered Teaching, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA

Viskupic, Karen, Steer, D., Kortz, K. M., Perkins, D., Wirth, K., Herbert, B., Singer, J., Manduca, C. A., (2014). Monitoring Undergraduate Growth Through The Major Using Embedded Assessment Questions, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 46, No 6.


Bruckner, Monica, (2013). Engaging Students in Learning: Examples from the SERC sites. In the Trenches, v.3, 2013, p. 6.

Bruckner, M.Z., Iverson, E., Manduca, C.McConnell, D., Bartley, J., Farthing, D., Teasdale, R., Viskupic, K. (2013). Using the on the Cutting Edge RTOP instrument to characterize how geoscience is taught. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 45, No. 7, p.313 (abstract)

Macdonald, Heather, Beane Rachel, Allen-King, Richelle, Iverson, Ellen R., Manduca, Cathryn, Mogk, David, Ormand, Carol, Richardson, Randall, Tewksbury, Barbara, and Yuretich, Richard, (2013). On the Cutting Edge Workshops and Web Resources for Early Career Geoscience Faculty. In The Role of Scientific Societies in STEM Faculty Workshops: A Report of the May 3, 2012 Meeting of the Council of Scientific Society Presidents, p. 46-55.

Manduca, C.A., Tikoff, B., and Hotchkiss, S., (2013). The evolving nature of collaboration in the geological sciences. Rethinking the Fabric of Geology; Geological Society of America Special Paper 502 1. 502. Baker, V.R. Geological Society of America. Boulder, Colorado. DOI: 10.1130/2013.2502(09).

Tewksbury, Barbara, Cathryn A. Manduca, David W. Mogk, R. Heather Macdonald, (2013). Geoscience Education for the Anthropocene. Geological Society of America Special Papers, 501, p. 189-201.


Narum, Jeanne and Manduca, Cathy, (2012). Workshops and Networks in Brainbridge, William Sims, editor. Leadership in Science and Technology, A Reference Handbook. ISBN 978-1-4129-7688-6 p. 443-451


Bruckner, Monica Z., Rachel J. Beane, and Heather Macdonald, (2011). On the Cutting Edge Webinar Series Supports Graduate Students and Post-Docs Pursuing an Academic Career, 09/01/2011-08/31/2012. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 5, p. 255.

Fox, Sean, Ellen A. Iverson, Cathryn A. Manduca, Karin B. Kirk, John R. McDaris, Carol J. Ormand, Monica Z. Bruckner (2011), Supporting Faculty Learning About Teaching: The On the Cutting Edge Website, Abstract ED23A-0612 Poster presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec. (Abstract)

Macdonald, H., Manduca, C., Ormand, C., Dunbar, R., Beane, R., Bruckner, M., Bralower, T., Feiss, P., Tewksbury, B., Wiese, K., (2011). Preparing Future Geoscience Professionals: Needs, Strategies, Programs, and Online Resources. American Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting, Abstract ED14A-01.

Macdonald, Heather, Cathryn A. Manduca, David W. Mogk, Barbara J. Tewksbury, Ellen A. Iverson, Karin B. Kirk, Rachel J. Beane, David McConnell, Katryn Wiese, Michael E. Wysession (2011). On the Cutting Edge: Face-to-Face and Virtual Professional Development for Current and Future Geoscience Faculty. Abstract ED23A-0615, American Geophysical Union.

Manduca, Cathryn A. (2011). Improving undergraduate geoscience education - A Community Endeavor. GSA Today, v. 21, n. 9, p. 12-14.

Manduca, Cathryn A., Ellen A. Iverson, Roman Czujko, Heather Macdonald, David W. Mogk, Barbara J. Tewksbury, John McLaughlin, Camelia Sanford, Lija Greenseid, Michael Luxenberg, (2011). Impact of the On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program on U.S. Geoscience Faculty. Abstract ED42A-04, American Geophysical Union.

McConnell, David, Iverson, Ellen, Budd, David, Henry, Darrell, Kraft, Katrien J. van der Hoeven, McDaris, John R., MacDonald, Heather, Manduca, Cathryn, Srogi, LeeAnn, and Viskupic, Karen (2011). A Preliminary Snapshot of Geoscience Teaching at US Colleges and Universities. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 5, p. 136. (Abstract)

Teasdale, Rachel, David Budd, Cinzia Cervato, Ellen Iverson, Katrien J. van der Hoeven Kraft, Cathryn Manduca, David A. McConnell, John R. McDaris, Daniel P. Murray, and William Slattery (2011). Enhancing Student-Centered Teaching Practices: Approaches Developed On the New Cutting Edge Geosciences RTOP Website, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 5, p. 255. (Abstract)


Manduca, CA; Mogk, DW; Tewksbury, B; Macdonald, RH; Fox, SP; Iverson, ER; Kirk, K; McDaris, J; Ormand, C; Bruckner, M., (2010). On the Cutting Edge: Teaching Help for Geoscience Faculty. SCIENCE, v.327, p. 1095. View record at Web of Science doi:10.1126/science.118302

Manduca, Cathryn A., David W. Mogk, Barbara Tewksbury, R. Heather Macdonald, Sean P. Fox, Ellen R. Iverson, Karin Kirk, John McDaris, Carol Ormand, and Monica Bruckner, (2010). SPORE: Science Prize for Online Resources in Education, On the Cutting Edge: Teaching Help For Geoscience Faculty. Science, v. 327, no. 5969, pp. 1095-1096.

Williams, M.L., D.W. Mogk, and J. McDaris, (2010). Research and Teaching about the Deep Earth. Eos, v.91, no., p. 10.


Manduca, C. and Johnston, J., (2008). Engaging Faculty in Discussion of the Affective Domain: A Practical Strategy. The National Teaching & Learning Forum, v.17, p. num. 3.

Manduca, C. A., (2008). Working with the Discipline - Developing a Supportive Environment for Education, Singer, S., George, M., Heller, K., Mogk, D., Wood, W. B. Evidence on Promising Practices in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education. Board on Science Education, The National Academies, Washington DC


Manduca, C. A., (2007). Improving Instruction in Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry - Lessons from Research on Learning. Elements, 3: 44.

Manduca, C.A., (2007). On the Cutting Edge of Teaching about Early Earth. Geotimes, 52: 44.

Mogk, D. W., (2007). Teaching mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry; new directions at the intersection of research about Earth and research on learning. Elements, 3: 93.

Tewksbury, B.J., Macdonald, R.H., (2007). A practical strategy for designing effective and innovative courses, Karukstis K.K., Elgren, T., (2007). Designing, Implementing, and Sustaining a Research-Supportive Undergraduate Curriculum: A Compendium of Successful Curricular Practices from Faculty and Institutions Engaged in Undergraduate Research. Council on Undergraduate Research, p. 127-136.


Iverson, E.R., McLaughlin, J.A., Manduca, C.A. (2006) The Logic Model as Compass: Guiding Stakeholders Through the Consequences of Evaluation. Presented at American Evaluation Association 2006 Annual Conference.

Manduca, C.A., Macdonald, H., Mogk, D., and Tewksbury, B., (2006). On the Cutting Edge: Evolving Themes, Enduring Impact. Northfield, MN: Science Education Resource Center.


Fox, S., Manduca, C. A., Iverson, E., (2005). Building Educational Portals atop Digital Libraries. D-Lib, 11(1).

Iverson, E.R., Manduca, C.A., McLaughlin, J.A., and R.H. Macdonald (2005). Enhancing your Teaching and Developing New Leadership: Impact of the On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract ED42A-02.

Macdonald, R.H., C.A. Manduca, D.W. Mogk, and B.J. Tewksbury (2005). Teaching Methods in Undergraduate Geoscience Courses: Results of the 2004 On the Cutting Edge Survey of US Faculty. Journal of Geoscience Education, 53(3): 237.

Manduca, C.A., Fox, S., Iverson, E., and F. McMartin (2005). Influencing User Behavior through Digital Library Design. D-Lib, 11(1).

Manduca, C.A. and E.R. Iverson (2005). Understanding Faculty Work Habits as a Foundation for Professional Development. Presented at POD Network 2005 Annual Conference.

Manduca, C.A., Macdonald, R.H., Mogk, D.W., and B. Tewksbury (2005). On the Cutting Edge: Leadership Development in the Geosciences. Project Kaleidoscope, 4, e-pub.


Macdonald, R. H., C. A. Manduca, D. W. Mogk and B. J. Tewksbury (2004). On the Cutting Edge: Improving Learning by Enhancing Teaching in the Geosciences. Invention and Impact: Building Excellence in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education. Washington, D.C., AAAS: 381.

Manduca, C.A., H. Macdonald, D. Mogk, and B. Tewksbury (2004). On the Cutting Edge: Leadership development in the Geosciences. Project Kaleidoscope Volume IV: What works, what matters, what lasts. July 23: The work of disciplinary societies in identifying and nurturing faculty leaders.