Agenda & Course Materials

Short Course: Teaching in the field with SfM and RTK GPS/GNSS
May 17-21, 2021

Before the course

Complete the prepwork for Monday May 17.

During the course

Jump down to: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

Schedule Overview Table
Early session (12-2 pm ET)Intro to short course and SfMIntro to RTK GPS/GNSS and Emlid ReachRS2Preparing to collect data for globally georeferenced point cloud.Share results, products, and insights from making a georeferenced point cloud. Discuss teaching implications.
Midday taskCollect photos and ground control points (in local reference frame)Set up base and collect a few points with the rover. Keep base running for several hours.Collect photos and GPS/GNSS measurement. Process photos with ground control point locations into georeferenced point cloud.Prior to Friday session, start implementation planning for teaching.NOTE different time (2-4 pm ET only) - Discussions about implementation planning.
Later session (5-6 pm ET)Processing photos in Agisoft MetaShape.Emlid trouble shooting if needed. PPP workflow. Primer for Wednesday plans.Optional office hoursDesigning good field geodesy opportunities for students.Optional continued discussion/office hours if desired

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(last updated 2021-09-03 15:14:12)

Short Course Workspaces (private)

The May 2021 Virtual Short Course Workspaces provide a shared space for participants to work on teaching implementation planning. They will be used more later in the week.

Monday May 17 - Introduction to the short course and SfM (structure from motion)

  1. Prepwork
    1. Review the GETSI field modules and be ready with questions, if any. (this is particularly relevant for the instructors and teaching assistants).
    2. Have Slack installed on the computer you are using for the course and/or a mobile device. After you are sent the invitation to join the Slack group, send an introductory message to the group - your institution and a science application you might use geodesy (SfM and GPS) field methods for.
    3. Look over the SfM student prep exercise SfM preparation exercise (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 1.4MB Aug27 20) (students do actually look at the trigonometry part and make sure you remember this stuff) and prepare the software, apps, and materials described
      1. Install Agisoft MetaShape Pro
        1. Most of you will us the 30-day trial license. The couple of you who need to use a remote desktop from ISU, will be contacted by Ben Crosby about the process.
      2. Collect other mentioned items: compass, measuring tape, inclinometer, digital camera, paper/marker
  2. Goals
    1. Get to know: each other, a bit of background on the GETSI Field project, and the short course plan for the week
    2. Be able to access GETSI Field modules and understand their overall structure and components
    3. Learn the basics of SfM and Agisoft MetaShape Pro.
  3. Early session - 6-8am Hawaii | 9-11am PT | 10am-12pm MT | 11am-1pm CT | 12-2pm ET
    1. Introductions - Max 1 min per person (~20 min) - Everyone
      Day1 Introduction and Overview Presentation (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 106.4MB May17 21)
      1. Name
      2. Institution
      3. Role/position
      4. For primary instructors
        1. Anticipated course
        2. Possible geoscience application for SfM and GPS in the course
        3. #students anticipated
    2. Overview goals and plan for the week (~10 min) - Beth
      1. Suggest type of field site they might aim for (true geological application is not necessary; small area is good [<50 photos])
    3. Overview of GETSI field modules and geodesy field teaching experiences (~20 min) - Beth, Ben, Bruce
    4. Break (10 min)
    5. Introduction to SfM method (~1 hr) - Beth
      1. Introduction to SfM presentation (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 78.1MB Aug27 20) - the exact file that Beth presented was drawn from the Getting started with SfM for Teaching Online Field. It is modified from the presentations in the Analyzing High Resolution Topography, Unit 1-SfM
  4. Midday task
    1. Complete the photo and ground control point collection parts of Introduction to SfM student exercise designed for virtual situations (adapted from Analyzing High Resolution Topography module's Unit 1-SfM: Introduction to SfM)
      All the files below are from the Getting started with SfM exercise but we link to them here as well for expedience.
    2. Download photos to your computer
    3. Convert ground control point angle/distance to x-y-z coordinates.
      • You can use this Excel GCP calculator template (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) 10kB May3 21) to complete the task more quickly. Whether you give this to your students or make them do the trigonometry by hand is your call depending on your situation.
    4. Optional: Start the MetaShape tutorial if you wish - but the afternoon session will be devoted to this so no pressure
  5. Later session - 11am-12pm Hawaii | 2-3pm PT | 3-4pm MT | 4-5pm CT | 5-6pm ET
    1. Introduction to using MetaShape to process photos sets into point clouds (~45 min) - Beth
      If the photo set you took is not aligning well in MetaShape, you can use either of these photos sets instead. Both align well and include ground control point (GCP) files in xyz coordinates.
      1. sample photo set for 3D (sofas) (Zip Archive 36.5MB Aug27 20)
      2. sample photo set for 3D (chobar outcrop) (Zip Archive 162.7MB May16 21)
    2. Overview prepwork for Tuesday (10 min) - Ben & Beth
    3. Day 1 Road Check

Tuesday May 18 - Introduction to GPS/GNSS and Emlid ReachRS2 receivers

  1. Prepwork
    1. Watch some Emlid videos
      1. GNSS Basics:
      2. Emlid ReachRS2 Basics:
      3. ReachView3 App:
    2. Watch tripod set up video - whichever one is appropriate to the type of tripod you have
      1. Setting up a standard tripod and tribrach (note: video shows the example of setting up a tripod for a prism but the process is the same for GPS until that last minute of the video)
      2. Setting up a quick-tripod (MP4 Video 40.6MB May16 21)
    3. Look at Emlid guides to gain a little familiarity - potentially print out at least the quick guide. These are available on the GPS/GNSS Equipment page but are also linked here for convenience.
    4. Install ReachView3 app on a mobile device (iPhone, Android phone, tablet)
    5. Primary instructor participants - Check Emlid ReachRS2s are fully charged. Take the receivers outside and turn on. Leave on for 15-20 min with decent sky view in order to collect almanac information from the satellites and know generally where it is in the world (this will save time on Tuesday).
  2. Goals
    1. Learn the fundamentals of GPS/GNSS system and basic surveying
    2. Evaluate example student GPS concept sketches
    3. Able to set up Emlid base rover, collect base data file, collect couple RTK rover points
  3. Early session - 6-8am Hawaii | 9-11am PT | 10am-12pm MT | 11am-1pm CT | 12-2pm ET
    1. Possible short debrief about SfM experience (10 min) - Beth
    2. Remind that participants to think about a field site for Wednesday-Thursday joint SfM-GPS (true geological application is not necessary; small area is good [<50 photos])
    3. Introduction to GPS/GNSS and RTK (real-time kinematic) surveying (25 min) - Ben
      1. Include concept sketch assignment overview and evaluation; mention accuracy/precision exercise and Unit 1 in general
      2. These resources are coming from High Precision Positioning module Unit 1: GPS/GNSS Fundamentals and Unit 2: Kinematic GPS/GNSS Methods
        Some specific resources you might wish to refer to are:
        1. Unit 1 Introduction to GPS/GNSS Presentation (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 36.1MB Oct6 23)
        2. Unit 2 Kinematic GNSS Lecture (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 13.8MB Oct6 23)
        3. Kinematic GPS/GNSS Survey Methods Manual (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 3.5MB May18 21)
    4. Base considerations (25 min)
      1. Site choice (land access)
      2. Line-of-site is best
      3. High ground is usually best (but careful of shadows)
      4. Setting up tripod - demo how to set up "quick" and "standard" tripods (standard tripod/tribrach may need to watch video)
    5. Break (10 min)
    6. Intro to working with Emlids (40 min) - Ben and Beth
      Emlid-specific guides are on the GETSI GPS/GNSS Equipment page
      1. People outside in deck/garden if they can; windowsill also fine if outside is impractical
      2. If they do have two devices they can devote one to each receiver (but not necessary)
      3. Turn both on, base gets location after 2 or 5 min collection, get receiver to get "fix"
  4. Midday task
    1. Set up base and collect a few RTK points w rover
    2. Leave base running for entire time
  5. Later session - 11am-12pm Hawaii | 2-3pm PT | 3-4pm MT | 4-5pm CT | 5-6pm ET
    1. Troubleshooting about Emlids, if needed - Everyone
    2. More on GPS/GNSS survey design - Ben
    3. PPP workflow and Wednesday prepwork - Beth
    4. Day 2 Road Check

Wednesday May 19 - Making georeferenced point clouds

  1. Prepwork
    1. Run PPP solution (NRCAN) - come w that done
      1. Instructions are in Instructor Guide for Emlid Reach RS2/2+/3 (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 6.2MB Dec31 24)
      2. Primary instructors, if applicable, send the RINEX file to your group so they can practice the process.
        OR here are two options
        1. Beth's roof last fall (antenna height 2.134 m) - (Zip Archive 2.3MB May18 21)
        2. Beth's deck railing today (antenna height 0.134 m) (need to wait until after 6 pm MT May 19 to process it at Ultra Rapid) - (Zip Archive 4.7MB May18 21)
    2. Primary instructors come ready to discuss ideas for where the joint SfM and GPS survey will be conducted. If you can share an image or Google Earth view of the area, that can help (remember for this purpose it is best to aim for a small-ish site where photos can be captured with hand-held camera; <50 photos!; 20 photos is fine)
  2. Goals
    1. Combined SfM/GPS survey design in order to produce a georeferenced point cloud
  3. Early session - 6-8am Hawaii | 9-11am PT | 10am-12pm MT | 11am-1pm CT | 12-2pm ET
    1. Design field collection plan for the next 22 hours - Ben and Beth
      1. Each primary instructor presents ideas - Two breakout sessions of 3 or 4 groups each
    2. All group discussion and moderated share-out - Beth and Beth
    3. Break (10 min) - somewhere in here as needed
    4. Introduction to SERC workspaces - May 2021 Virtual Short Course Workspaces - Beth
    5. Overview MetaShape workflow difference for global vs local GCP (10 min) - Beth
    6. People/student logistics consideration
      1. Some examples of experiences to keep in mind; this will need to be considered as part of the larger teaching implementation planning
    7. Day 3 Road Check
  4. Midday task
    1. Do field survey collection before the Thursday early sessions
      1. MetaShape Guide for River Characteristics activity (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 5.6MB Jun28 23) - This somewhat longer MetaShape guide includes steps for using global rather than local reference frame. It also describes how one can classify points in MetaShape.
      2. SfM Data Processing and Exploration Manual (Agisoft Metashape software) PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 8.4MB Nov16 19) - Longer MetaShape guide if you wish to explore more capabilities. Can also be helpful to just work through menu options in the software to explore it further.
      3. If you are unable to collect survey data, here is a set of photos and global coordinates for the ground control points (project file as downloaded from Emlids). rock (Zip Archive 202.9MB May19 21) (note: not quite all the photos align; see if you can determine the likely reason why a few did not)
  5. OPTIONAL - Later session - 11am-12pm Hawaii | 2-3pm PT | 3-4pm MT | 4-5pm CT | 5-6pm ET
    1. Office hours - leaders will be available to consult on field data collection and data processing

Thursday May 20 - Sharing results and designing high quality geodesy field activities

  1. Prepwork
    1. Continue working on field collection of SfM and GPS data - see Wednesday schedule Midday Task
    2. Primary instructors - plan to report out on the experience; 1-2 visuals may help
  2. Goals
    1. Assess challenges and successes of field data collection
    2. Initiate teaching implementation planning
  3. Early session - 6-8am Hawaii | 9-11am PT | 10am-12pm MT | 11am-1pm CT | 12-2pm ET
    1. Primary instructors present outcomes of field collection and give some pedagogical reflections (what would this have been with students)
    2. Review different GETSI units and the variety of different geoscience applications for SfM and GPS
    3. How to requesting technical support and equipment loans from UNAVCO/GETSI Field
  4. Midday task
    1. Primary instructors - start working on teaching implementation planning (you will present on this in the Friday session)
  5. Later session - 11am-12pm Hawaii | 2-3pm PT | 3-4pm MT | 4-5pm CT | 5-6pm ET
    1. Bit more on instructor workspaces - use them as best suites your current needs; make new headings
    2. GPS-specific example
      1. the power of measuring the point moving on the topography
      2. measuring leveling-lines and benchmarks (ex. post-earthquake continued change)
    3. Designing good field geodesy opportunities for students (Borah Fault example) - Ben
      1. Breakout groups - refer to this case study document
    4. Day 4 Road Check

Friday May 21 - Field Implementation Planning

  1. Prepwork
    1. Have started implementation planning document
  2. Goals
    1. Develop teaching implementation plan and refine through collaboration with colleagues
  3. ONLY session - 8-10am Hawaii | 11am-1pm PT | 12-2pm MT | 1-3pm CT | 2-4pm ET
    1. What science can you do with the data you might collect? What tools might you use? - 10 min
      1. Remind again of some of the single-time-step options - Ex. Analyzing High Rez Topo Unit 2, Unit 2.1, Unit 3; High Precision Positioning Unit 2.1 (does not all need to be multi-temporal)
      2. Software tutorials
    2. Breakout groups to discuss planning with peers - two 15-min sessions; each breakout room will have 2 teams (30
      1. Share out a brief overview of ideas or plans as they currently exist; questions that you have - think of ideas and solutions together - make sure the give equal time to both
    3. Time for making adjustments based on colleague feedback - 15 min
    4. Round-robin of the primary instructors - 1 min each +2 min questions/comments (20 min)
      1. Geologic question to be addressed?
      2. Which technique/s would you use?
      3. Anticipated assessments/student deliverables
    5. ~10 min group discussion
    6. Remind of UNAVCO support request process - 2 min
    7. Final survey - 15 min
  4. Later session - office hours if anyone would like to continue conversations