GER at EER: What Should Future Programming Look Like?

Friday 1:30pm-2:45pm SERC Building - 108B
Round Table Discussion


Annie Klyce, Vanderbilt University
Laura Lukes, University of British Columbia
Kim Cheek, University of North Florida
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia

The Earth Educators' Rendezvous (EER) offers many important opportunities for geoscience educators to gather - including participating in and offering one another professional development in geoscience education research! If you conduct (or want to conduct) GER, please join us for a strategic planning roundtable to discuss opportunities and strategies to organize high quality GER programming at future EERs. We will share results from a community-wide survey on topics and formats of broad interest, and discuss how best to engage the largest number of stakeholders possible to support our mighty and growing community.