Theme: Geoscience Education Research
The programming listed below seeks to address the topic of Geoscience Education Research.
- Attracting and Supporting Students
- Community Engagement
- Course Resources
- Curriculum Design
- Developing Geocompetencies
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Geoscience Education Research
- Online Education
- Place-based Learning
- Professional Development for Undergrads, Grads and Faculty
- Program Design
- Research for Undergrads
- Student Learning
- Teacher Preparation, Professional Development and Policy Issues
- Technology in the Classroom
Monday Oral Session A
Elisabeth Ervin-Blankenheim, Front Range Community College
Sean Fox, Carleton College
Teaching Deep Time Principles: Study Methodology and Phase I Survey Results
Elisabeth Ervin-Blankenheim, Front Range Community College
Teaching deep-time concepts, especially geologic time, can help instructors impart an understanding of the big ideas in geology and the biography of the Earth to their students (Dodick, 2003a; Ervin-Blankenheim, ...
Barriers & Catalysts to Implementing Evidence-Based Instructional Methods in Higher Education Geoscience Classrooms After Professional Development Participation
Collette Wilfong, Weber State University
Leilani Arthurs, University of Colorado at Boulder
Evidence-based instructional methods (EBIMs) increase student learning outcomes in undergraduate geoscience classrooms (Freeman et al., 2014). Borrego, Stains, and colleagues estimate that only 40-50% of ...
Professional Development Program Design and Potential for Higher Education Transformation at Three Types of Institutions of Higher Education
Holly Fortener, University of Colorado at Boulder
Leilani Arthurs, University of Colorado at Boulder
Teaching-focused professional development (PD) programs are experiences such as workshops designed to educate higher education instructors on topics related to teaching and learning. PD programs are common forms ...
Enhancing Computational Pathways in Undergraduate Environmental Majors
Lisa Doner, Plymouth State University
Bhuwan Thapa, Appalachian State University
Simon Pendleton, Plymouth State University
Digital and computational literacy, including the understanding, implementation and application of computer, software, and programming are increasingly important criteria for positions within the environmental ...
Students Ability to Relate to Scientists: Impacts of Geoscientist Spotlights
Peyton Smalls, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Geosciences struggle with a significant diversity problem and have the lowest participation rates of historically marginalized individuals in science and engineering occupations (URGE, 2022; AGI, 2020). Majors ...
Anyone Can Be An Geoscientist: The Impact of Diverse Representation From Draw-an-Earth-Scientist Tests (DAEST)
Connor Chilton, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia
The geosciences have the lowest participation rates of historically marginalized individuals in science positions, and are a field where people who "discover" the major often mostly see historical ...
Increasing STEM Interest through a Placed-Based Interdisciplinary Field Course for TRIO High School Students
Sharon Bywater-Reyes, University of Northern Colorado
Chelsie Romulo, University of Northern Colorado
Andrew Creekmore, University of Northern Colorado
Sarah Johnson, Wild Rose Education
Shirley Vincent, Vincent Evaluation Consulting
We piloted a field-based summer bridge program for Upward Bound enrolled high school students (a federal TRIO program). Longterm, our goal is to recruit, support, and retain historically underrepresented and ...
The SZ4D Initiative is Seeking to Grow Mutually Beneficial Partnerships with Geoscience Education Researchers
Mike Brudzinski, Miami University-Oxford
Subduction Zones in 4 Dimensions (SZ4D) is a new community-driven initiative for coordinating interdisciplinary research to improve our understanding of processes underlying destructive geohazards that concentrate ...
Designing for bidirectional community-university learning: The Community Resilience integrated into an Earth System Science Learning Ecosystem (CRESSLE) project
Adam Papendieck, The University of Texas at Austin
Jay Banner, The University of Texas at Austin
Didey Montoya, The University of Texas at Austin
Lucy Atkinson, The University of Texas at Austin
Patrick Bixler, The University of Texas at Austin
Robert Duke, The University of Texas at Austin
Angela D. R. Smith, The University of Texas at Austin
Shirley Vincent, Vincent Evaluation Consulting
Action for community resilience and environmental justice demands new educational structures, routines and practices that more equitably and productively integrate academic geoscience with local community-based ...
In-Depth Assessment of a Large-Enrollment Scientific Computing Workshop to Evaluate Instructional Design and Foster an Online Experiential Learning Cycle
Gillian B Haberli, EarthScope
Mike Brudzinski, Miami University-Oxford
Michael Hubenthal, EarthScope
The increasingly digital nature of course assignments has created an opportunity for more in-depth assessment of student learning and evaluation of course design with respect to learning outcomes. The online ...
Instructor Perspectives on Undergraduate Students' Preparedness for Coursework, Preliminary Results
Sarah Lynn Redding, University of Florida
Anita Marshall, University of Florida
Changes in education can occur so rapidly that we geologists, used to considering things in geological time scales, can overlook these changes and their potential impacts. One such area is the coursework required ...
Evaluating the usability of the EzGCM climate modeling toolkit and its impact on undergraduate students' understanding of the climate modeling process and climate change science.
Jena Brown, Auburn University Main Campus
karen mcneal, Auburn University Main Campus
Mark Chandler, Auburn University Main Campus
Justin Zhou, Auburn University Main Campus
Complex global climate models, or GCMs, are one of the primary tools used by scientists to make projections about the future of Earth's climate system. To properly deploy climate models, scientists utilize a ...
Implementation of a Climate Decision Support System in an Undergraduate Weather and Climate Classroom
Haven Cashwell, Auburn University Main Campus
karen mcneal, Auburn University Main Campus
Climate education needs to include actionable items to resonate with those pupils who are learning about climate change (Anderson 2012). For this project, a Decision Support System (DSS) was used in a classroom lab ...
Case Studies and Discourse Analysis in Qualitative Geoscience Education Research
Samuel Nyarko, Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis
Susan Meabh Kelly, Connecticut State Department of Education
The goal of this workshop is to identify the types of research problems/questions that can be answered within qualitative education research frameworks. The primary focus will be on evaluating how decisions are ...
Essential factors to consider when partnering with and creating youth diversity outreach programs
Leah Turner, The University of Texas at Austin
GeoFORCE Texas at the University of Texas Jackson School of Geosciences is a very large, well-funded youth diversity outreach program created to introduce high school students to STEM, especially the geosciences. ...
Geoscience learning embedded in a case of environmental injustice: an equity oriented pedagogical model resulting in student interest development and knowledge gains
Shondricka Burrell, Morgan State University
Children in racially segregated neighborhoods and/or communities with concentrated poverty are more likely to have poor indoor and outdoor air quality (Miranda et al., 2011; Wodtke et al, 2022) and poor-quality ...
Utilizing implicit perceptions of cultural similarity in teaching evolution – how religious students' perceptions of their instructors influences acceptance of evolution in the classroom
Elizabeth Petsios, Baylor University
Brendan Anderson, Paleontological Research Institution
Suzanne, Baylor University
Non-acceptance of biological evolution is prevalent in U.S. adults, including in college students across all disciplines. Previous studies have shown that even among college biology majors, non-acceptance of ...
Assessing a Student Performance Gap between Face-to-Face and Online Sections of an Introductory Geology Lab Course
Joyce Smith, North Carolina State University
David McConnell, North Carolina State University
Over the 2021-2022 academic year, students enrolled in online (OL) sections of our Physical Geology laboratory course collectively averaged lower grades than their same-semester peers in face-to-face (F2F) ...
Spatial Thinking in Undergraduate Geology Courses: Results from a Mixed Methods Study
Stephanie Sabatini, North Carolina State University
David McConnell, North Carolina State University
There has been a global emphasis in developing the STEM workforce over the last several decades. Spatial thinking ability is a strong predictor of success in STEM (Wai et al., 2009; Shea et al., 2001). Spatial ...
An Oceanographic Analysis Using Maps: Oxnard College’s Study of the Hueneme Submarine Canyon Configuration, in California State Waters and Federal Waters within the San Pedro Channel, Offshore California
Thomas O'Neil, Oxnard College
Joseph Saenz, Oxnard College
Frank Denison, Geology Consultant
The Hueneme Submarine Canyon's configuration is structurally controlled by the Hueneme Fault Zone that was mapped from UNOCAL's seismic line collection in the 1980's. The Canyon depths were also ...
Using Student-Focused Design to Develop an Undergraduate Earth Science Course
Janel Ancayan, California State University-Long Beach
Alyssa Abbey, California State University-Long Beach
Course-based research experiences (CBREs) and applying scientific skills to "real" problems have been shown to increase students' interest and retention in STEM fields (e.g., Papendieck et al., 2018; ...
Oxnard College’s Earth Science, Oceanography, & Geology Program Integrated with Field Trips of Extinct Volcanic Centers, Hydrocarbon Seeps, and Shoreline Sand Migration in Central and Southern CA
Joseph Saenz, Oxnard College
Thomas O'Neil, Oxnard College
Frank Denison, Geology Consultant
Our Oxnard College students are involved in learning about Oceanography, Geology, and Earth Science in the Ventura County area. Learning is combined with Canvas course software supporting textbook instruction, and ...
Natural Hazard Decision-Making Assessment to Test Problem-Solving Abilities
Virginia Isava, California State University-Fullerton
Argenta Price, Stanford University
Post-secondary education ideally teaches students both content knowledge (e.g., what feldspar is) and procedural knowledge (e.g., how to identify feldspar). While the former is traditionally assessed through exams, ...
Lessons from the Field: Best Practices for Collecting and Analyzing Longitudinal Data from Human Subjects
Annie Klyce, Vanderbilt University
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Conducting education research involving students requires thoughtful prior planning and meticulous attention to detail. From the conception of the research question, to IRB approval, to data cleaning and analysis, ...
Supporting Student Decision-Making Skills: An Application of Fidelity of Implementation
Larry Collins, Longwood University
Students will undoubtedly have to participate in making decisions about complex scientific issues for their entire lives. Education reform documents such as Vision and Change in the Geosciences: The Future of ...
Unearthing Students' 21st Century Skills in a Geology Field Course
Alyssa Abbey, California State University-Long Beach
Sara Dozier, California State University-Long Beach
Joseph Gutierrez, California State University-Long Beach
Field experiences have been shown to increase students' learning and retention of subject-specific skills (e.g., geology) as well as more "universal" or "transferable" skills (e.g., Paor ...
Characterizing the Growth in Spatial Thinking Abilities in Meteorology Students Across the Curriculum
Lauren Burns, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Casey Davenport, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Spatial thinking skills are essential to student success in disciplines such as geology, atmospheric science, and geography. In particular, previous work on spatial thinking in the atmospheric sciences has ...