Supporting Student Decision-Making Skills: An Application of Fidelity of Implementation
Poster Session Part of
Friday Poster Session

Students will undoubtedly have to participate in making decisions about complex scientific issues for their entire lives. Education reform documents such as Vision and Change in the Geosciences: The Future of Undergraduate Geoscience Education and Addressing the Climate Crisis: An Action Plan for Psychologists, Report on the APA Task Force on Climate Change suggest the need for teaching about complex scientific issues such as climate change and supporting decision making skills. However,issues such as climate change are complex in that they require a multidimensional, interdisciplinary approach to teaching. Content is clearly not enough and we must also support students in their decision making skills about climate adaptation and resilience strategies. Given the importance of decision making skills, we must understand how, when, and under what conditions does the Structured Decision Making framework support the development of these skills. This can be accomplished with a Fidelity of Implementation framework because this can allow us to measure the implementation of this strategy fidelity and allow us to understand how and why this intervention works. In this poster, a Fidelity of Implementation framework is applied to the Structured Decision Making model to demonstrate when, how, and under what conditions are students decision making skills best supported within this framework. Implications for research and strength of evidence will be discussed.